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Onion and Pancake kept watch of their surroundings, this kid scared them. Pancake made sure both of them were safe but Onion was thinking of something different.

"Pancake, did that kid look familiar?" -Onion

Pancake shrugged and kept walking but it still disturbed Onion, that kid just felt familiar. The problem was pinpointing who she was forgetting, she couldn't remember.

Pumpkin Pie has heard the news about the child but she already knew. She remembers them sneaking through her window, looking for food, she left them with a warning but when she was going to threaten them with Pompom, they hushed her. It was like they already knew what she was going to say.

This child was being looked for all over the kingdom, of course, it would be about the time the main 3 heard about it.

"Apparently there's a missing child on the loose" -SB

Strawberry was holding a newspaper, pointing at the front page. This had caught GingerBrave's attention and Wizards too. Wizard was handed the newspaper and began to read.

"Teal eyes? Dirty blond hair? That doesn't match anyone where" -Wizard

"That's the weird thing" -SB

"Maybe we could ask someone to help" -GB

Wizard eyes (or eye because...You know what I mean) darted to GingerBrave

"Like who? A bounty hunter?" -SB

Strawberry chuckled at the idea, she was saying it as a joke but Wizard took it more seriously

"We could ask Chili Pepper for help" -Wizard

Dead silence, you could hear a pin drop.

"Wait, Chili Pepper's still alive?" -GB

"Yes of course shes alive GingerBrave!" -SB

Strawberry snapped at GingerBrave for a split second. Wizard knew Chili Pepper was a sneaky little bitch with a lot of experience with running from officials. if this kid was anything like her she would know how to stop them, Wizard explained this to them.

"Chili Pepper would know where to hide, she would know how fast you would have to be, she can help!" -Wizard

"This sounds like an amazing idea but...If only she would actually come out of her house" -SB

"I'm still going to try, we need to get to the bottom of this" -Wizard

Wizard ran out of the castle and went straight to Chili Pepper's apartment, Chili Pepper used to have a room in the castle but left soon after Custard's disappearance. Knocknocknocknocknocknocknocknock. Wizard knocked on the door quite rapidly.

"Chili Peper I need to talk to you! Open the door! Now!" -Wizard

As soon as the door slightly opened he pushed the door open and ran inside. Chili Pepper didn't have time to react but came to her senses.

"H-hey! Wizard!?" -CP

Chili Pepper attempted to push him out the door but due to her lack of taking care of herself, she couldn't.

"What do you want from me?" -CP

"Did you hear about the mysterious child in the kingdom?" -Wizard

Chili Pepper looked confused so Wizard handed her the newspaper. She read it word by word.

"Who is this? The description doesn't match anyone I know" -CP

"yes, Strawberry, GingerBrave and basically everyone knows this kid isn't from here" -Wizard

Chili Pepper took a bit of time before responding to him

"Why did you want me to read this?" -CP

Wizard looked at her dead in the eyes

"I need you to set up the perfect trap" -Wizard

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