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An explosion. Chili Pepper was closest to the blast, she was flung onto a bookcase with the others just being thrown off their feet. Chili Pepper couldn't feel anything, only heard a ringing in her ears. Though she was conscious she couldn't move, her body was in shock. Strawberry could see a fire had started from the bomb. Wizard tried to lift a force field before the blast but was unsuccessful, as you can tell. GingerBrave didn't like the sudden warmth in the area, he didn't like it one bit.

"Chili Pepper!" -?

She couldn't tell who was saying that, the ringing made it hard to contrast the voice. They called her name again.

"Are you okay!?" -?

Chili Pepper attempted to speak but she felt too weak too. She could feel her body being carried and everything was a burr after that. It was like that time she was trapped in the abandoned mine shaft for 2 days. The only one to find her there was Custa-... No. No, don't remember

"Ugh" -CP

Chili Pepper managed to say after god knows how long. She felt the person carrying her slow down and sit hor on a chair

"Chili Pepper! Can you hear me!?" -SB?

"Strawberry? Yeah yeah I think I can hear you"

"...Chili...I'm Wizard" -Wizard

"Oh...Fuck Sorry Wizard" -CP

Chili Pepper chuckled a little but realized she couldn't see the others.

"Where is GingerBrave and Strawberry?" -CP

She looked around the room she was in and it was the dining room. Wizard explained Strawberry was trying to calm GingerBrave. 

"Are you okay?" -CP

Chili Pepper asked while rubbing her eyes a little bit.

"I just have a scratch but you should not stand up, your leg is bleeding" -Wizard

Chili Pepper looked down at her legs and her left one had was bleeding out of a few cuts.

"Oh my" -CP


"That didn't work" -?

The child was sitting on top of the bookcase Chili Pepper was flung into, he had missed his target, she was still alive. The child stopped pointing the thin yellow crystal he was holding.

"Second times a charm" -?

He said as he disappeared into an air duct.

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