Chapter 1 · The Drug Criminal

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"Oh Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo! Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet."

Heather sighed, closing her book—Romeo and Juliet—and stared out her window at the reddening sunset sky. She got up from her bed and walked toward her balcony, sliding the door open and stepping into the fresh air.

It was one of the finest summer evenings in Orange County and the gentle wind that bustled past her brushed her fair skin, free of the pernicious Los Angeles smog. Looking up at the sky that was a shade between red and orange, Heather rested her arms on the glass railing as she leaned forward and repeated Juliet's words, propping herself up one arm and resting her cheek on her palm, as she smiled at herself, to an invisible moon in the sky and to her invisible Romeo.

Lost in her fantasies, Heather's eyes absently traveled past her left side, where she could see the front yard of her house and the boxy concrete garage. Their home was in a severe, modernist style, to their father's liking, since he was a typical businessman in sharp suits and plain ties. Glass and concrete in cubes of varying sizes stacked on top of each other to form their house and garage, where she now glimpsed her older brother's black Lamborghini pulling in.

She straightened suddenly and backed up against the wall in order to hide.

Might he have seen her talking and smiling to herself dreamily? Then she would be in trouble, especially if her younger brother was also in the car—both had been out to their cousin's house together. He would tease her to death saying she was in love with someone.

And she was definitely not.

Heather hadn't been in love with anyone in her real life, as far as she could remember. Perhaps there had been a silly crush or two when she was younger, but never had she ever developed any real feelings toward any boys. In her school, she was aware that half of the high school boys had crushes on her, but she never showed any interest in any of them. Not because they weren't charming enough—though to her, they weren't charming at all, not even close to her imaginary book boyfriends—but Heather never wanted to throw herself into a trying-love system, as she called it.

She wanted her boyfriend to be her first love, first kiss, and to be her future husband as well. Because to have every first with your true love was something simply special.

The truth was she wasn't interested in romance, though she had nearly the best collection of romantic novels in her library. And as much as she might not appear romantic outside, on the inside, she had a fire for her future love that she had been keeping for the perfect time, waiting for the right one to show up.

But how to know who was the right one? Heather had no idea. But she trusted in her God, He Who had designed a perfect happy future for her.

Heather exited her room and sprinted down the stairs to the ground floor, to find out if either of her brothers had seen her in her dreamy state, and to block their chance from spitting it out to her younger sisters and teasing her about it. She had four wonderful siblings whom she loved and adored. They were absolute angels—unless you did something to get on their nerves.

Fredson, who preferred to be called Fred or Freddie, was the eldest. Then she, Heatherin, called Heather, was the second. Areline, who preferred Arel, came after her. Finally, there were brother and sister, the twins Fyodor and Frederica, whose names were shortened to Fodd and Ferry.

The Romeo Of Her Juliet ✔ ️| A Christian Romance | PAPERBACK AVAILABLE ON AMAZONजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें