"What the fuck?!" I screamed struggling to get up.

"I told you to get out of bed, get out of bed and get dressed. We have guest, don't come down in your shorts and tank top.

"This is my house I can dress how I want." I said annoyed as Clint stopped at the door.

"I'm sorry who's house?" Clint asked.

"Shields...Nick Fury's...not sure exactly." I said crossing my arms.

"Such a pain in the ass, get dressed...please." Clint said shutting the door.


I walked downstairs while putting my hair in a ponytail. I was in a pair of faded blue jean mid-thigh shorts and a red tank top and some slip-on sneakers.

"I thought I said put on clothes?" Clint asked taking in my outfit.

"It's hot Clint, I won't be wearing jeans and a sweater." I said and he groaned.

"Good morning." Laura said and I smiled kissing her cheek.

"Yeah...it's morning. Wouldn't call it good." I said and Clint snickered.

"What did you do?" Nat asked.

"Nothing." Clint asked.

"He flipped my bed while I was still on it!" I said and Clint laughed. Laura and Nat tried to hide their laughs as well.

"Payback for attacking and punching Nat." Clint said and I groaned.

"You punched Nat?!" Laura asked shocked.

"Mistake! I thought they were breaking in. It was dark." I said annoyed.

"Okay fine, mistake." Clint said and I groaned.

"Why the fuck did I even come down here?" I asked.

"Language." I heard someone say and I turned to look in the living room. I saw Tony shaking his head trying not to laugh. I knew the voice came from Steve. I noticed Steve and everyone else were in normal street clothes.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"Language...please." Steve said and I groaned shaking my head. I turned back to Clint and Laura.

"When can we talk about...." I said holding up my left hand.

"Isn't Max coming over to talk about it?" Clint asked and I shook my head.

"Not with the Avengers around...." I said and then turned to look at all of them.

"No offense." I said and they shook their heads.

"None taken Miranda." Steve said and I groaned.

"It's Andie." I said glaring at Steve.

"Let's go outside." Laura said as the 3 of us went outside. Once outside we walked to a picnic table away from the house.

"So when did this happen?" Clint asked lifting my left hand.

"About 2 months ago." I said.

"And not to sound too old fashioned but didn't he even think to talk to me about this?" Clint asked and I rolled my eyes.

"First all of just a brother-in-law and two he talked to Laura and she gave him permission." I said and Clint looked at Laura shocked.

"You gave him permission?" Clint asked in shock.

"What do you have against Max? He is a great guy!" I said annoyed.

"The great guy that shoved you against a wall leaving bruises up and down your back 8 months ago. Great guy that got upset and threw a skillet at you breaking your wrist 5 months ago." Clint said and I sighed.

"That was an accident." I said and Clint sighed.

"I'm sorry Andie, I don't like it and I don't think I can approve." Clint said and I groaned.

"Well I'm sorry Clint but Max and I are getting married. We were going to ask to do it here but if you don't agree we can just run off sooner and get married." I said and Clint groaned.

"You wouldn't?" Laura asked and I shrugged.

"If no one here is happy for me I will." I said and Laura looked at Clint as he shook his head.

"No Andie, I'm sorry." Clint said, standing up from the table and walking back to the house. I just shook my head.

"Please let me talk to him alone." Laura said and I nodded. We walked back in the house and I looked at all the Avengers in my living room.

"We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Miranda Morse but I go by Andie, I am Laura's baby sister." I said and they smiled.

"I'm Bruce."

"I'm Tony Stark."

"I'm Steve Rogers, nice to meet you." I shook all of their hands. I didn't say anything else and walked away. I went back outside.

"Is it just me or is she very icy towards Cap?" Tony asked and Laura chuckled.

"Yeah sorry about that Steve, I'm not quite sure why but she doesn't really like Captain America." Laura said and Steve shrugged.

"Not everyone likes me, I get it." Steve said and he watched me out the window sitting on the porch.

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