Chapter Twelve: At stake [1]

Start from the beginning

Luna almost spit her coffee because of how personal the question was. It felt like it slip through her mind that this apartment was originally from the her world and not from this game. It was a good thing that she put the photo frames of her sister and her away yesterday.

"Uh, er, It was the only available apartment, the price was quite cheap too." She explained, but of course it was a lie, this apartment rent was expensive. Their parents had said to buy it but the two refuses, they wanted to be independent on their own. But of course they still get allowances from their parents.

Thinking back, the first problem the twin encountered was financial issues. At first they tried to find some jobs for their daily expenses, though combining their allowances was enough to pay the rent but groceries and other necessity was also needed. The first 6 months was rough, until Anthony helped them, he told Eva that his 'wealthy' aunt was looking for a tutor for her two daughters.

Whereas Dizian decided to put what he learned on his private art class in use and eventually opened a commission. It went successfully, even though it's only a part time work they were able to at least use the money to pay for the rent and for groceries as well.

"Don't you find that thing... peculiar?"

All of a sudden shiki spoke up as he ate the last bite of his sandwich while looking at Agapius who was laying on Luna's lap.

"Meow." Responded Agapius, titling his head acting all innocent.

Placing her cup down the coaster Luna turn to shiki who was already giving her some suspicious look. She then raised a brow and ask, "Why ask that all of a sudden?"

"Yeah, it's strange!" Remus butted in. "Its fur changed color together with the eyes!" He added, pointing his forefinger to Agapius.

Ah, right.

Now that she think about it, Agapius's cat form returned to the first color she saw, she didn't really pay attention but she does remember him being in a stripe pink, not to mention he was like that for the past few weeks.

" illusion..?" She mumbled, looking away from the two. You can't blame her, she too just realized it just now that Agapius changed appearance.

The two looked at her for quite a while then to each other nodding as if they agreed to that conclusion.


"Are the clothes Ready? That's quite fast." She asked sipping from the porcelain cup.

Shiki nodded, "Yes, Justin said to be there at 8:30 so that we can try the clothes to see if there's some fixing to do." He explained plainly.

All Luna could do was nodded, after eating they all head out.


Luna looked at the mirror which was behind her in one of the changing room. Looking up and down as she observe herself in the mirror.

For some reason she can hear something shattering inside of her once she had realized what she's wearing. It was her manly pride.

Nevertheless, the dress is pretty so she decided to just give it some slack.

Seeing pretty dresses always soften Dizian's manly side, he does not wear them that's a fact, although he does like drawing them and even thought of buying some for references. Even he has a dream too, that is to study fashion and design.

Men liking pretty dresses is quite weird to some people. But hey, skirts were made for men initially so are the heels, what's there to be ashamed of?

Dizian didn't really care what other may think, he's quite open to what he likes and dislikes. Alot has made fun of him before but that didn't really shook him, but when the bullying went far from throwing his sketch pad, Dizian did not hesitate to throw hands. That happened to him in middle school, but that didn't really stop him from being open to others.

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