Testing Her New Power

428 28 2

3 Days Later

General Narration

Donna stood outside on top of the silo facing Jaden, looking out at the desert below them. They deployed their wings and activated their Kagu. Donna's features changed as did Jaden's. Jaden's appearance was exactly like Donna's. The only exception, were the arms. Like Donna's left arm, Jaden's right arm was covered I markings. His eyes turned red as white part, turned black.

Jaden: "Are you sure about this, Donna?"

Donna: "Positive."

Jaden: "Alright. Just so you know, I won't hold anything back."

Donna: "If you going to be that way, so be it it'll only make me stronger."

Jaden: "You remember."

Donna: "Of course."

Jaden smiled as he advanced toward Donna. Donna flinced as he appeared right before her eyes. He punched her jaw and abdomen, sending her back a few feet.

Donna P.O.V

What the heck was this stuff? I should feel pain, but I feel completely fine. She looked at him as he looked at her as well.

Jaden: "You felt that didn't you? You feel a thing right?"

Donna: "Yeah, what is it?"

Jaden: "It an advantage. You're blood hardens so you fell no pain."

Donna: "It's like an extra skeleton."

Jaden: "Basically, yeah."

Donna: "Cool."

Jaden: "Don't let your guard down."

He warned as he advanced, but I knew that he knew that I knew better. I never dropped my guard, I was ready for him this time.

Jaden: "Nice save."

Donna: "You know I never let my guard down."

I blocked all his attacks as fast as he threw them. He did a round house kick, only to have me catch it. He looked at me as I still held his leg. I looked back at him with a smile.

Donna: "My turn."

I released his leg as he stepped back giving me the chance to move in and attack. I punched his solar plexus and side kicked him in the same spot. He was sent back to a screeching halt. We continued from there.

General Narration

Donna: "So if our enemy can't hurt us-"

She asked while still attacking.

Jaden: "Yeah?"

He said in return as he blocked her moves as well.

Donna: "Then how are we taken down. I mean we have to know our own weakness, don't we?"

She finished asking.

Jaden: "We're not in real danger unless it comes to a weapon fight. Our weak spot is that of any other. The heart. That's our only weak spot in Kagu form. If were hit anywhere else then we're OK. We'll be fighting machines."

Donna: "I doubt, anyone knows of our weakness do they?"

Jaden: "You're right."

Jaden and Donna kept going. Jaden palm heeled Donna in the chin as she stumbled backwards, easily regaining her footing, and kicking Jaden with a jumping front kick to the chin. He was sent into the air as his wings held him in mid-air.

Jaden: "Nice. Let's see how you do against an airel attack."

Donna: "You can't beat one who's in their own domain."

She flew up and headed straight towards Jaden. He moved out of the way as she attempted a punch to the gut. She came back down in a falcon swoop. He advanced as well flying towards Donna, both having the same thing in mind. They crashed into each other hiring each other on the head with a head butt. Their wings flapped as they remained in that state.

Jaden P.O.V

My sister and I remained that way, in the air, our heads together as we looked at each other in the eye. I felt something wet drip down my face. I saw that Donna was also dripping from her head. It was blood.

Jaden: "Your bleeding."

Donna: "So are you."

Jaden: "Why don't we go back inside?"

Donna: "I think that's a great idea."

We landed and went back inside, talking of what would Ratchet would say and sure enough.


Donna and Jaden wore wide smiles as they reverted to their normal state.

Donna: "I told you, he'd freak out."

Jaden: "Right you win."

Ratchet: "This is no laughing matter. You both could've ended up in a coma. Now sit down!"

They chuckled as Optimus came into the infirmary.

Optimus: "What happened to the both of you? Was there a decepticon attack?"

Donna and Jaden blinked as they looked at each other and began to laugh.

Optimus: "What is so humorous?"

Donna: "Dad, we were training."

Jaden: "Well, trying to help Donna get control of her power. She aced that with ease."

Optimus: "Might as well call it a fight not training."

Donna: "That's Kagu for ya, ya know?"

Ratchet: "There, now take it easy. And no more training."

Jaden: "Ratchet you're crazy."

Donna: "No way that's happening. It was awesome."

Optimus: "When did I raise such bloodthirsty sparkling?"

Donna: "You didn't dad. Life did."

Optimus just looked at his children and rolled his eyes. Ratchet placed a bandage on both their heads and were cleared.

Donna: "That was amazing. Do the cons know about this?"

Jaden: "Fortunately no. They'll be surprised."

Donna: "Hell's yeah."

As they walked off, Delilah and Fabiano came towards them.

Fabiano: "Ciao mamma." ( Hello mother.)

Delilah: "Hi daddy."

Donna: "Ciao mio figlio." (Hello my son)

Jaden: "Hey sweetheart."

Fabiano embraced Donna tightly as she to held her son tightly. Jaden picked up Delilah and carried her. Donna placed a kiss on her son's forehead and sighed still holding him in the hug.

Donna: "Sorry if I scared you."

Fabio: "Its OK."

Delilah: "Daddy, can we go to the movies with Fabiano and Aunt Donna, and mommy, Aunt Kira, and Aunt Belinda and Uncles Jared and Ancelin too?"

Jaden: "We'll see."

Delilah: "OK I'll go tell mommy."

Jaden: "Alright. Go on."

Jaden placed his daughter on the ground.

Delilah: "Fabi! Come on!"

Fabiano: "I'm coming. Bye mom."

They ran off to tell the others. Donna and Jaden smiled at each other and looked back at them.

Jaden: "You've grown to be an excellent mother and a great warrior, little sister."

Donna: "So have you big brother."

Jaden: "I am glad to have you back."

Donna: "Glad to be back

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