I stared at her. Surely she didn't think I was that stupid. "And you thought a VIP, hand delivered, FBI presented newsletter was the best way to give it to me?" I titled my head, allowing the forced smirk to coat my lips. "I'm touched, but I assure you I don't give a fuck about what you have to say. Get off my property before there are repercussions," I snapped at her, feeling like a dog barring it's teeth.

I was going to a stern talking if my family hears about this, and given how worrying it was for FBI agents to turn up at this time of night, Harry would he sure to tell them all about it. I may be a Taylor though I didn't have the ability to go around threatening FBI agents. That was reserved for the elders.

I flickered my eyes up and down the length of her body, scoffing to myself that I allowed someone like her to fluster me so much. Turning my back, I pushed past Harry's hand, and walked towards the house. I didn't want to deal with this a second longer. They had officially ruined my mood, and if they weren't careful, I was sure to do something stupid. Stupider than threaten the life of a Federal Agent.

I heard the crunching of Harry's shoes behind me, and I was thankful he didn't try to overrule my words like my brothers would have in that situation. He was probably biting his tongue as hard as I was.

"There's a hit on your family, Annabeth."

The words rang through the air, firing like a bullet. It made my body still, giving away the shock it had. I cursed myself for being so obvious, and spun my heels.

I came face Harry and his deadly eyes, warning me before he even spoke. "Keep walking, Annabeth. They're just trying to get under your skin."

I would of listened to him, I would of turned back around and kept walking towards the house though there was a slight hitch to the end of his words. A sense of urgency he let slip, giving away there was something he was hiding. I had seen that look on Michaels face far too many times when we were younger and he was still learning to keep his emotions off his face.

I hadn't seen it on Harry before, not until tonight. He gave it away there was some sort of truth behind her words, and I felt the instant panic hit my chest like a bullet.

His hands came to rest on my shoulders, urging me to turn, trying to make me spin, though I wasn't having it. As bone shattering as the truth may be, I realised in that moment that this may be the only time I was ever going to hear it. From someone other than family. From people who weren't going to sugarcoat it.

Shoving his hands away, I walked back towards them, though kept my head high. Harry wasn't slow to follow, though his mouth remained shut.

"What game are you trying to play right now?"

She shrugged, though looked as smug as ever, knowing the ball was in her court. "No game, I just want your help."

I pursed my lips. Ill bite, I was half frazzled, half curious. "How?"

She took a step. "My job is to keep the crime rate down. As a city, we are trying to reduce the crime rate in New York, we know if we put at least one of you away, it'll go down dramatically."

My eyes narrowed. Surely she wasn't asking me what I thought she was asking me. "Is that a joke?"

Harry's fingers found their way around my wrist, pulling me back when I was subconsciously moving closer to snarl at her at a closer range.

Redhead didn't move a muscle, even when my glare turned to ice. "do you get a gold star for each percentage you bring down?" I snarled at her, my eyes splitting between the two. My blood was boiling behind my skin at her insinuated question. "What's the grand price, a witness protection program, all expenses paid?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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