|-Chapter 1-|

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Walking around I noticed buildings, big and small and some were very.. interesting. The feeling of my paws hitting the ground was still strange, unfamiliar compared to the feeling of my normal feet, even just the thought of walking with four paws was already nerve racking. The mind was foggy and small memories were coming back, but nothing about what she wanted to know most; what happened? She definitely remembered she wasn't a wolf before, she's never experienced this form. 

L'manburg, that was the name of the place she was walking through, a city that now had a big hole in the middle, the fight that caused it was one she didn't remember. 'It must've happened when the fight took place...' she thought to herself looking at her paws that were now standing still on the bricks that covered the floor, she narrowed her eyes trying, trying to remember.

A low growl was let out and she unsheathed her claws without thinking, pulling her head up she looks at the sky annoyed, 'what am I gonna do?'

Before she could even think about her thoughts a arrow shot past her, barely piercing through her shoulder it hit the ground with force and stuck in the grass. She pulled her head back in reflex and saw someone standing on a hill a bit further, she widened her eyes when the man pulled up his bow to shoot another arrow.

Without a thought I rushed away, the air was soaring through my lungs as my heart were to burst out of my chest, I couldn't think, my brain was fuzzy. The sight before me were my paws carrying me through the city, I could hear another arrow fly behind me but it missed again, I was running and I couldn't stop, I couldn't think, I was scared.

"Hey, what the hell are you shooting at?" A guy with white round glasses stood next to his friend and tried to look at what's before them, nothing. "I saw a wolf, a big one." It was silent for a few minutes before the man suddenly started laughing.

"Dream, I think Sapnap hit his head!" He shouted back to another person standing at the base of the hill, he perked his head up at his name mentioned and shrugged his shoulders in confusion, his mask still covering his expression. "I saw a wolf, I'm not imagining it, it was huge!" Dream looked up at Sapnap, "where."

My paws were still leading me through the city, I didn't dare to look around me, wanting to close my eyes wanting this nightmare to go away I gritted my teeth and just wanted to cry. People shot at me, like I was a monster invading their city, they don't even know that I'm human..

I closed my eyes shut and wanted to scream my lungs out, but my lungs were fighting for their lives as I ran, my heart pounding so loud I could hear it in my ears. And suddenly I tripped, a strong pain surged through my paw and I fell with a big impact on the stone, my jaw was pressed against the floor as i painfully growled. 

Wanting to stand up quickly I let out a loud Yelp, my right paw was hurting and I noticed it was bleeding, looking at it carefully I noticed a sharp stone went right in between my paw pads and made a cut, it didn't hurt a lot but walking on it was. I slowly stood up and watched out for my hurt paw holding it up high, I couldn't run so I was slowly walking and saw the sight of a forest nearing, the big hole where the fight was was now behind me.

But I had to go back at some point..

A Wolf's Journey ~|~ Technoblade X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now