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I'd open my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light I tried to clear my head but it was... empty. My eyes looked around while I was trying to remember where I was, what happened, and how my head was empty. I saw some small pieces of fire scarred around, small fires all around me but not dangerous enough to do any harm. I'd sharpen my sight, I saw the smoke coming from the fires, it filled up the cold dark blue air, the sun was lowering behind me. I suddenly spotted something on the floor and then it all came back to me. The stone floor of the path was stained with blood, the dark red color filled my eyes when I widened them. 'I... I got in a fight..' she said to herself in her mind, she saw everything clearly again, the fight and the blood, the swords swinging around while arrows with fire swooped past her. She'd look at her hands to see if there were blood on them, she couldn't bare the thought of killing someone. I stopped all my movements, my eyes focused on my 'hands.' I'd stay quiet for a solid 2 minutes when my eyes filled with horror and fright, my hand were gone!

Two pure white wolf paws were right in front of her, the long and fluffy fur all the way to her chest and her head, she was covered in fur and her body shape was different, she had claws and fangs... 'how is this possible?!' She screamed at herself moving up in a fast movement, not used to having paws she immediately fell back on her butt. She'd wiggle around, her mind was a chaos at this point, she didn't know what happened after the fight and how this could've possible happened. Her body felt weird and warm, she'd take a deep sigh to calm herself down and try to relax a bit.
Her eyes slowly examined her body, the pure white fluffy fur, her legs and paws, her long snout and even her long soft tail. She could feel her bold fangs with her tongue, they weren't really sharp but they were definitely very strong. It was certain she was a pure white winter coated wolf, but when she saw her sword laying next to her she shocked at how big she was. She was definitely not a normal sized wolf, she was at least double the size, about the size of a full grown polar bear.
She slowly stood up, making sure to stand on all fours and take a good grip. Her claws felt weird, she also felt the cold rock against her paw pads, it felt fairly smooth though. She managed to stand up and she looked around her once more, she was certain that something horrible happened and she had to find out what it was, her first task whould be to find out what exactly happened...

Welp that's it for the prologue, it's pretty short cause it's yea, a prologue..
I hope my friends aren't gonna read this- anyways, now you know what you will be in this story. Well, (Y/N).
You won't be a wolf this whole story, she'd find her way to return back to her old self...

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