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Act 3Scene 3 "You're never aloud to see that boy again

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Act 3
Scene 3
"You're never aloud to see that boy again."

A/n: hey guys. I know I know. Some of y'all who stuck around are like "bro why haven't you updated for almost a month??" And yeah I get it, I'd be upset if I didn't update this either. But ima be 100% honest with y'all, because transparency is key😎 I got caught up reading a 100+ chapter Anakin fic🙁 THATS SUCH A BAD EXCUSE I KNOW, but it is what it is.

Nevertheless, I just got a little bored writing this. I'll finish it, but I won't promise that updates will be as constant as they used to be. Illl just write when I am motivated to, I hope u guys understand.


"What?! Pa- you can't do that!" You unintentionally raise your voice at your father. He didn't seem to enjoy that.

He raises his finger in your face and yells. "I can and I will! My decision is final."

You are unable to find the words to say to your father in defense. This wasn't fair, none of it was!

Your mouth stayed open as you tried to find the words to say, but nothing came out. Absolutely nothing. Finally, you just shut your mouth altogether. It was embarrassing having your entire extended family stare at you with disappointment in their eyes.

You left without another word. You stormed up to your room and shut the door behind you. You didn't slam it- that would just make your parents even more angry. Instead, you closed it quietly and plopped your body onto your warm covers. You held onto your pillow tightly as a form of comfort as you played today's events in your head.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid.." you muttered to yourself. "Why did you have to go and expose everything.. now you won't be able to see him again!" You yell into your pillow. It was all your fault. Everything.

You couldn't help but cry. Not out of sadness, but out of frustration. Everything had all gone so wrong that day, and it could have been avoided. Endless thoughts roamed your mind as you cried rivers onto your pillow.

What if you had just gone with Nicolas?

Why couldn't you do something as small as that to make your family proud?

Why did it even get to that point?

Why did you hold his hand today?


Just why?


You spent the whole evening bawling your eyes out. It wasn't until nightfall had you stopped feeling sorry for yourself.

Hours passed.

The sun was no longer out. You had skipped dinner. No one came to check on you. Your tears ran out.

You got yourself out of your soggy sheets and stood up, wiping your tears. You dragged yourself to your vanity and took a look of yourself on the mirror. God, you looked terrible.

Your hair was knotted and stiff.

Your eyes were red and puffy.

Your face was covered in snot.

It was sad.

You sighed at your reflection. "What good am I doing feeling sorry for myself?"

That small sentence sparked something in you. It sparked a sense of rebellion. It brought up an idea that the old you— the obedient child, would have never done.

Was this idea a good one? No.
Was it stupid? Yes.
We're you going to do it anyways..? Also yes.


Within the next hour, you did a lot of things. You brushed your hair back to its natural shape. You snuck into the bathroom using your gift so that you didn't have to deal with running into any of your family members. That was not something you wanted right now. In the bathroom, you washed your face and rid it of any snot. Your eyes were still puffy, but there was nothing you could do about that.

You also applied a little bit of Valentina's makeup just to freshen yourself up. It made you feel somewhat better.

In the end of it all, you looked at yourself in the mirror for the second time that night. Except this time, you didn't feel sorry for yourself. You felt confident. You were not going to let your family get to you. At least not today.

Once you were satisfied with your makeover, you snuck back into your room without being caught. When you did, you locked your door to assure no one would come in. You walked across the room and to your window. You opened it and looked down. You were on the second floor, so the drop wasn't all that small. It gave you second thoughts.

Nevertheless, you shook them off. You were going to do this. You took a deep breath in and out before merging yourself into your bedroom wall and letting yourself fall to the first floor.

The impact hurt less than you thought it would. You certainly made some noise with that fall, but with you hidden within the walls, no one would suspect a thing.

After checking if the coast was clear, you separated yourself from the wall. You were now outside in your family's backyard.

You glanced back at your estate and smiled. You did it.

You successfully snuck out, and now, well now, you were going to pay your boyfriend a visit.

Also p.s, sorry for the short chapter 😭

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