Family? Or Stranger? Choose.

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Act 1 Scene 4

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Act 1
Scene 4

| "Hola Hermosa" |


You looked up, meeting the stranger's eyes. It was a young boy that was around your age. He had shoulder length curly hair and exotic green eyes. You had seen him around the village from time to time walking around on his own, but you've never talked to him.

"Hola..?" You respond, vaguely confused and a bit uncomfortable.

"I've seen you around haven't I?" He asks, tilting his head ever so slightly. It reminded you of the way puppies do when they're confused.

You stifle a laugh at the thought. "I'd assume so. We live in the same small village, it's be weird if you haven't." You finish filling all the cups.

"Huh. True, well now I'm confused on how I've never went up and talked to you before. There's no way I could ignore a beauty in our town like you." He said with a playboy grin plastered on his face.

"Oh? And do you say that to all the girls you talk to?" You scoff jokingly at the boy's seemingly overconfidence in himself.

He double takes in shock, as if he's never been turned down before. "What-? No! That's not-"

You interrupt him with sudden laughter. "I'm jus' kidding! Geez, loosen up. This is a party! Well, not a good one, but still- you get what I mean."

He puts his hand to his chest dramatically like he's been betrayed. "How could you? I, happen to think this party is great."

"Yeah right. I've been to better." You mutter, thinking about the parties your family has held.

"Riiiight. Well, ever considered maybe you're just not partying right?" He asks with a sly grin.

"Partying right?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at peculiar boy.

"Yeah! What have you been doing all night, hm?"

"Uhm.. I've been talking to my cousins, just hanging around-" you start, but get interrupted before you can even finish your first sentence.

"Wrong! That's not how you party, especially not at a huge fiesta like this one." He rambles frantically. He takes a deep breath in and composes himself. He stretches his hands towards you from across the table. His vibrant green eyes meet your own once again.

"What are you doing..?" You break eye contact and shift your gaze between the boy in front of you and his outstretched hand.

"Offering you a dance, duh. I'll show you what partying really is about." He grin stretches wider across his face as his smile reaches from ear to ear.

"I really shouldn't.. I've gotta get back to my cousins and give them their drinks. They'll wonder what's taking me so long." You. Say, grabbing the cups carefully in your hands.

"Aw c'mon, just one dance. I'm sure your cousins won't mind you having a little bit of fun at a party." He urges you temptingly with his his arm still waiting in the air.

You take in a sharp breath and hold it, contemplating weather to go back to your amazing, spectacular, loyal cousins, or, dance with a cute random boy you met at a party no more than ten minutes ago.

You let out the breath you had been holding. You set down the cups and took the boy's hand in your own.

Dance with a cute random boy you met no more than ten minutes ago it is.

He smiles contently and leads you around the table so you two could finally be close, and not across a table from each other.

"I knew I was irresistible."

"Oh shut up."


End Scene.

You guys I know there's only a few of you, but I hope you're liking this story so far

Modern Day Romeo | Camilo Madrigal x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora