Part 6: Chaos

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The three girls make their way out into the woods for the party. The old mill is lit up with fairy lights and a bonfire outside. There are keg stands scattered with teens gathered around them. A few people sit around a smaller fire, Hope recognizes MG, Rafael, Kaleb, and Jed. They all turn their heads when they notice the three witches approaching them. Rafael stands to his feet, pulling Hope into a crushing hug, "There you are Marshall. I was beginning to think you bailed."

Hope laughs at her friend, who is clearly already tipsy, "Doesn't look like I was missed much." She teases, and he chuckles at that.

"Nah, I was saving all the good stuff for you. Let's get you on my level. I'll grab you a drink." He stumbles back toward the old mill, bypassing the kegs which leaves Hope confused. Then she sees him headed back their way, Bourbon in hand. "Grab a cup, Little Red."

"You've got to be joking." She rolls her eyes at him.

"What? I saw this exact bourbon at your house last time you threw a party." Hope remembers the night he's referring to, but the party was more Maya's idea, since she found out none of Hope's family would be in town. She shakes her head, but still grabs a cup and allows him to pour her some while Josie and Lizzie stick to the beer that MG got them. Hope takes a seat next to Raf, Josie on her other side. Lizzie takes her place beside MG.

Jed looks between Hope and Raf. He knows Raf has a crush on the girl, pretty much all the wolves do. But Jed, being the jerk he is, wants to get under Raf's skin, reminding him who the school's alpha is, "So, Hope, tell us a little bit about yourself. You're kind of a mystery around here." Hope shifts in her seat, not really wanting her life to be the topic of conversation. Jed smirks as Raf gives him a glare. He puts an arm around her shoulders, which Josie isn't sure whether it's protective or possessive.

"Well she just got offered the QB1 spot at Mystic High," Raf brags and Hope gives him a confused look.

"How did you know about that?"

"Maya told me, also told me you haven't accepted it yet."

Hope shakes her head. "No, I haven't."

"Hope, I'm QB1 for Salvatore School, so if you accept it that would make us like, rivals or whatever." Lizzie buts in, and Hope tears her gaze away from Raf to look at her.

"Oh, I don't think I'm going to take coach up on it, football means so much to Ethan, I don't think I could take that from him."

"But isn't he the one who begged you to try out in the first place?" Raf questions, and Hope nods.
"Are you still gonna throw that party for the twins, since they both got spots on the team?" That's right, Hope forgot she promised she'd throw them a party sometime to celebrate. Maya found out that her aunt would be leaving town soon and suggested they do it then. A few of Hope's close friends know that her aunts and uncles swap out visiting her, since her parents aren't there, but a lot of the time, Hope will have a few weeks to herself. Alone in a big house.

Hope nods with a shrug of her shoulders, "I guess so, if they're still feeling up to it."

"Your mom lets you throw parties in your house?" Lizzie asks, unknowingly. Raf looks toward Hope wrapping his arm a little tighter, knowing Hope's parents aren't exactly the best conversation topic.

Hope glances down at her cup and shakes her head, "Uh, no, um- My mom passed away a while back." She chews on the inside of her lip for a moment, but other than that, she shows no sign of the pain she feels on the inside.

"Oh, I'm so sorry...What happened?" Lizzie isn't trying to be rude, she actually sounds very empathetic asking the question.

"Um, there was a fire...she didn't make it." It isn't a lie. Her mom did by fire, though it's not entirely the truth, as it was a sacrifice to protect Hope.

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