Part 5: Illumination

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The past week was a busy one. Hope traveled back to Mystic Falls, had multiple run ins with the Gemini twins, trained with Dr. Saltzman, hunted a werewolf, and kicked off the new semester of school by trying out for the Timberwolves football team. Tryouts ended about an hour ago. It's late Friday afternoon now, tonight is the night of the party that Lizzie and Josie invited her to, for Raf's recent enrollment at the Salvatore School. Hope was happy for him. She's known him for a while, since they ran around with the same group of people. Hope always thought he was a great guy who deserved something nice to happen to him for once in his life. She's at home getting ready to go help Josie and Lizzie study for a bit before the party when her Aunt Rebekah knocks on her door. "You can come in Bex."

Rebekah opens the door and leans against the frame, she holds Hope's car keys in her hands, "Do I need to give you the 'no drinking and driving' lecture again? Freya handled it quite well last time, maybe I could give it a shot."

Hope chuckles at her aunt, who has always prided herself on the fact that she's the 'cool aunt'. "My body heals quickly Auntie Bex, it would take a lot to get me drunk, but I promise to be careful." She observes her appearance in the mirror before turning to make eye contact with Rebekah. "Are you okay with this?" Hope is still anxious about being around other supernaturals, especially the wolves who can sense other werewolves, and the siphoning twins who she knows can sense her magic.

"Hope, darling, you've isolated yourself for your entire life, always pushing anyone away who dared to get close to you. I understand that you're trying to protect these people, but it's okay to let loose every once in a while." Hope sighs and sits on the edge of her bed, Rebekah takes a seat beside her, "What's got you worried, love?"

Hope hesitates before looking at her aunt again, knowing that she's practically transparent to all of her family members. Each of them seem to see right through her, "I think all of this is just a lot to take in. Raf knows I'm a witch now, I'm spending a lot of time with Dr. Saltzman's daughters, which is great but it also makes me think of what they did for me...They saved my life when they took the Hollow from my body, and they don't even know that it was me...The other night on Raf's first full moon, he tried to attack them. Luckily I got to them first, but when Josie thanked me for saving her...I don't know, I just felt the urge to tell her everything. Explain to her that I owe her my life because she saved mine." Hope looks down at her hands and Rebekah places her own hand atop them.

"You can't put that kind of pressure on yourself sweetheart." Rebekah knows that Hope struggles with coming to terms with her father's sacrifice, she carries the weight of grief everyday she lives. "I'm proud of you, you know? It takes a lot of courage to break out of the little bubble you've built yourself at Mystic Falls High. Those friends you have there are great, but I think it will do you well to spend time with these new students. Your mother liked the Salvatore School for a reason," Rebekah gives her niece an encouraging smile, "She would be proud of you." Hope finally looks up from her hands, she studies her aunt's expression for a moment. A tear slips from her eye and Rebekah gently wipes it away with her thumb.

"Thank you, really, for everything." Hope gives her a tearful smile. Before getting up and looking in the mirror, making sure her makeup isn't messed up.

"You look great, love. Just one more thing to complete this outfit," Rebekah gets up from the edge of the bed and leaves the room to retrieve the item of clothing. Hope looks down at her leather pants, black shirt, and boots. She's got nice earrings in and her Mikaelson crest necklace. Nobody ever questions that. Marshall starts with an M too, so they assume it stands for that. Hope looks puzzled, wondering what she may have forgotten. Rebekah enters the room once again, this time holding up her own leather jacket. "It might get cold, and this has always looked better on you." She hands it over to Hope and receives a 'thank you' in return. Rebekah returns to her spot on the edge of the bed as Hope puts on the jacket. "So this witch... Josie," Hope raises an eyebrow at her aunt, "she invited you to this party?"

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