lost (angst)

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Deena had just moved house. She had already helped her parents bring stuff in so she decided to take a nice and relaxing walk. She started walking around the neighborhood in hopes to make some friends.

she stumbles across a particularly large house and sees that there's a girl looking out one of the windows on the top floor. 'she's gorgeous' Deena thinks. she walks to the door and rings the doorbell and sees the girl in the window get up.

she eventually opens the door and says "hello! you must be new to the neighborhood. i'm Sam. it is a pleaser to meet you. if you wouldn't mind me asking, why are you here?" Deena thinks before replying "hi, i'm Deena. i just moved here and was looking to make some friends." they stare at eachother in silence for a moment but it's not awkward. it's peaceful.

sam eventually speaks up and says "oh well i hope you are enjoying your stay so far. my parents are out on a date right now. if you'd like, i can give you my number so we can talk more. i have some stuff to get done before my parents come home." Deena nods and says "that's ok! yeah i'd love to exchange numbers. i have to get my stuff unpacked anyway."

Deena hands sam her phone and she makes a new contact and names it 'Sam <3' Deena smiles and takes her phone back. they say their goodbyes and Deena walks back to her house.



Deena plopped down on her bed and messaged Sam.
d: hello
s: hey! what's up?
d: not much. i just missed talking to you ;)
s: i miss talking to you too! you're pretty cute tbh
d: you're pretty cute too

Deena was shocked. she couldn't believe that Sam liked her back. they continued to talk throughout the night and actually got really close with each other. they agreed to go out together the next day.


their relationship was very healthy. they did everything together. they loved each other a lot and would be lying if they said that they didn't. They would love each other forever. At least that's what they thought...

It was another one of those night. This would happen often. Neither of them having the energy to get up and do something together but also dying for some sort of interaction.

After a few hours of watching Netflix, Sam eventually got out of bed with a groan and started heading down the stairs to see Deena sitting on the couch. She could very faintly hear what seemed to be a boys voice.

This was weird because Deena had never mentioned a guy friend before.
Sam wouldn't have felt threatened by this if everything was normal. You see, they had been fighting a lot lately.

If their relationship wasn't good enough for Deena, then it's understandable that she would feel the need to talk to someone else. That didn't help the sob that seeped through Sam's red, puffy lips.

It felt as though her world was falling apart from under her. She thought that things were finally getting better. They were supposed to love each other forever... right?

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