You took charge, "Boys, you go after Ben aka Beast jr. The rest of us will go to wherever Audrey bunks down to look for clues. Meet back at Evie's in 2 hours"

"That's actually a pretty good idea" said Jay.

"I know. Let's go"

Your plan was great. The boys found Ben. And Jane apparently. You girls figured out where Audrey probably was. Only none of you knew where the fairy cottage was.

The boys came and met you at Evie's. You were glad no one got hurt. Gods, you guys were lucky today. Or maybe Audrey just wasn't that much of a threat.

Ben said, "Where is Fairy godmother when you need her?"

"Probably asleep or stone" you replied.

Everyone looked at you as if what you said wasn't really necessary. But it was true.

"What? I'm just saying" you crossed your arms.

Ben knew where the cottage was so everyone went there. The walk wasn't too long and everyone mostly stayed with their group. When you guys got there, there was some guy trapped in the closet.

"Chad?" said Ben.

Chad said, "I want my mommy"

You found that hilarious and struggled to contain your laugher. Harry thought it was funny as well because he laughed too after Chad ran out of the cottage.

Outside the cottage, Mal told you guys the truth. She was going to close the barrier for good. She wasn't going to live up to her end of the deal.

"I always knew you were a" you covered Cecilia's ears before saying that next part, "b*tch that couldn't be trusted"

"Let's go find Gil and leave them all to rot"

You guys didn't exactly find Gil. But with no help from you and Harry, Mal with some help from Uma, was able to reignite the ember, save Cecelia, and beat Audrey. After Mal defeated Audrey, she was left in some sort of coma. All you knew was that she was dying.

Audrey was taken back to her dorm room. Everyone was there, worried about her. Well except for those who went to find Fairy Godmother. They were somewhere else. You didn't know when Ben found the time to shave his beard.

You sat with Harry on the couch, your head laying on his chest and his arm around you.
It was moments like these that made you think that he could like you back.

"The isle is my home" said Uma.

You spoke up, "It's ours too. But dang this couch is comfy. Any way we can get one of this? No?"

Everyone ignored your couch comment. You, Harry, Gil, and Uma went back to the isle. Of course you guys took all the candy from the back of the limo.

You were all overjoyed when the barrier was taken down. Dancing on the bridge was fun, maybe a little dangerous.

Harry asked, "So is she definitely taken?"

"Definitely" answered Evie.

"So is Evie" added Doug.

Evie suggested, "Maybe try the girl who actually likes you"

Harry asked, "And what girl would that be?"

Evie had known for basically ever that you had a crush on Harry Hook. You told her about it when you were younger. She had been hoping the both of you would end up with princes. Evie knew you still were crushing on him when you agreed about his great accent. 

Evie remarked, "The one that stares at you like you're tall glass of lemonade on a hot day"

"Go get her, Tiger" Uma pushed Harry in your direction.

To your surprise, Harry come over and kissed you. You kissed him back. He was an even better kisser than you had imagined.

Neither of you wanted to break away from the kids so you lips remained locked. He put his hands on your waist and you put yours on his.

"God, don't they have to breathe?" asked Evie.

Uma remarked, "I think they should just get a room"

"Maybe you guys should stop staring" suggested Doug.

Finally you had to breathe. As amazing as it was, it had to come to an end.

"You're a great kisser" you told him.

Harry remarked, "So I've heard"

"You are lucky I really like you"

"Like or love?"

Love. That was something you didn't know. You were an orphan and it wasn't much of a thing on the isle.

You told him, "Slow your roll there, pretty boy. Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves"

Harry just smiled and pulled you close. He kissed your head, knowing one day you would be able to admit it.

He already knew he was in love with you. He knew what love looked like. His parents were in love. That was rare on the isle. He had his family even though they weren't always the closest.

"Don't worry. You realize it soon enough, my little duckling" he whispered into your ear.

"Err don't call me that" you said.

"What can I call you call you then?"

"Your girlfriend"

Everything seemed too good to be true. The whole sparkly 'and they lived happily ever after' You finally had the guy and you were starting to repair your old friendships.

Maybe it was worth being good.

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