I drop my bag on the couch in the living room and make my way over to the kitchen where I see her pouring whine in a whine glass. Judging by the access liquid in the cup, I can tell that this isn't her first glass. I also notice that her antidepressants is next to her on the counter but the closer I look, I notice that the bottle is empty.

"Would you like for me to stop by the pharmacy tomorrow for a refill?" I gesture to the empty pill bottle. My mother eyes the bottle for a moment before shrugging and taking a small sip of her whine.

"I don't need that nonsense anymore. It does nothing for me." She declares and I lightly scoff because that's complete bullshit.

Last time she got off her meds, she almost...

Stop. Let's not go there again.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes tightly with a sigh before looking at her again.

"Mom, you know that you need to take your meds. If not, then the same thing that happened last time will happen again." My voice gets smaller and more shaky at the end of my sentence.

I don't think I'll be able to handle that again if it were to happen a second time.

My mother rolls her eyes before downing the rest of her whine and dropping the glass on the floor, causing it to shatter into pieces.

I flinch back and stare at my mother who looks completely unbothered by the fact that there's broken glass near her bare feet.

"You're being dramatic, Gianina. What happened last time was a complete misunderstanding." There's venom in her voice and my chin wobbles when I watch her walk down the hall and upstairs to her room.

I flinch once again when I hear her bedroom door slam shut and I bite my bottom lip to keep it from trembling.

"All I wanted was to just watch a movie with you, mom." I whisper to myself as I walk over to the pantry and grab the broom and sweeper and start cleaning up her mess.

After cleaning everything in the kitchen, I head upstairs to my room to get ready for bed.

I'll just eat something in the morning.

Right when I'm about to turn the knob of my bedroom door, I wince. I look at my hand but can't see anything due to the lack of light in the hallway. I walk into my room and turn on the light to see a piece of glass stuck right below my thumb.

How the hell did I not see this?

I curse under my breath and head to the bathroom to clean it up. After all of that, I turn on the shower and wrap my hair so it wouldn't get wet. My shower was quick and was out in less than ten minutes.

With my face makeup less, my bonnet on, and my pajamas on my body—which consists of an oversized t-shirt and underwear—I get into bed and go straight to sleep. Tomorrow is Saturday and I have nothing going on in the morning so I plan on sleeping in til I have to leave for my performance with Vixens&Devils.


I wake up to my mom already gone for work, but that's no surprise considering I hardly see her nowadays. I spend the next few hours getting ahead of my classes and starting my new project for my interior design class.

I haven't heard back from the program but Mrs. Blackwood said that it takes at least 3-6 months to hear back from them so I'm not freaking out just yet.

Hours later, I check the time seeing that it's almost time for me to go. After eating an early dinner and packing my bag, I'm out the door and in the car heading to the club that has requested Vixens&Devils to perform at.

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