chapter 15

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Nobodies pov:
Suddenly, the door swung open, Matt turned his head and immediately turned furious. It was his brother.

"Well well well, what have we here? You never told me you had friends, Matt! 😹" His brother grinned and slapped Matty on the back to annoy him.

August shyly walked over to the taller boy and smiled nervously
"Hello... I'm Augustus!" He put a hand out and expected Matt's older brother to shake his hand in return but instead he just ruffled Augustus's hair up in a mess.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back early?!" Matt frowned at his brother and crossed his arms

Matt's brother rolled his eyes and said, "I wanted to see my little brother! But now you have a friend??"

"Boyfriend... Actually." Matt mumbled in reply.

''oh really?"  He scoffed and patted Matt on the head "I always new you were gay. 🙄"

Matt just stood there in shock and turned to look at Augustus to see him smiling.



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