Meeting uncle lucifer part 4 finale

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The lights hurt Raven's eyes she regained her senses. She felt horrible, she groaned as she moved. Damian must have noticed her shift because he was off the sofa and at her side immediately.

"What happened?" She asked her voice dry and raspy as she was handed a glass of water, she took a couple of slow and steady gulps. Before passing the cup back to Damian who put it on a very expensive side table.

"You fainted beloved, Lucifer believes it was the shock combined with your emotions." Damian said softly

Raven reached up to touch the shard of crystal which was on her forehead but all she felt was blank space...

"Where is it, Damian?" Raven began panicking the gem was fucking missing at a time like this, if her father escaped this world would be doomed!

Damian simply smiled "calm yourself beloved, Lucifer dealt with it while you were unconscious." He grasped her hand in comfort before pointing at a small black regal-looking box.

"It's in there, it was draining you, my love, so I helped using Azrael blade to break some of the protective enchantments that you had placed on it to rid it from your forehead and then we placed it in this container, it is designed by celestials themselves to contain anything hellish so you should be able to take regular breaks from watching Trigon." Damian explained as Raven smiled a full genuine loving smile.

"Thank you, Damian," Raven said gleefully before brushing her lips against his. He gladly accepted the kiss, but unfortunately for them, the Titans had an uncanny ability to interrupt any of their intimate moments, leaving a very frustrated Damian. Raven giggled at her lover's reaction.

Damian brought the phone up to his ear, he wanted to scream at the world. But first, he had a certain Nightwing to murder.

"Grayson..." Damian said in a low dangerous tone, "yes we have solved the problem... Lucifer offered us a room in a 5-star hotel, we will be home tomorrow night... don't call for another couple of hours." Damian hissed out as he put the now silent phone in his pocket.

Raven had already taken the initiative and made a portal going straight to the car so they could drive to the hotel. But not before opening the black box which contained Trigon and placing the red gem on her forehead, she hissed as it nestled on her forehead, breaking the skin which had just healed.

She placed the celestial black box in her pocket dimension and wiped her hands as if she had just touched something dirty. The portal which she had made cracked under the influx of Raven's magic it was like lightning mixed with a black hole, it sucked everything in.

Within seconds they were in the car it was an expensive ford, it was black and shiny it looked freshly painted. The dashboard held a Raven and a Robin on the Home Screen, it was after all Damian's car which he had got given for his 17th birthday.

Bruce had brought him it as a way to show how proud he was along with the fact that Damian was now unbanded from using the bat plane, the bat mobile e.t.c. He felt the need to uncharacteristically jump up and down at the news as he stared at his new car in wonder.

As he and Raven hopped into the driver and passenger side respectively. Damian started up the car, it growled like a dog and took off down the street leaving Lux behind. Which made the nightclub disappear beneath the city streets like candles lighting up an endless darkness.

Within half an hour they arrived at the five-star hotel, a man dressed in a fancy suit was standing at a podium, and he offered to take Damian's keys. The man was young, fairly attractive, but unfortunately had decided to flirt with the wrong woman.

Sending Raven a flirtatious wink, which caused the empath to roll her eyes before kissing Damian on the cheek to keep him calm.

Damian's hands turned into fists as he threw an angry glare at the staff member, before turning his back and offering his Beloved his arm which she took graciously.

You're as dark as my demon but your as light as the sun a DAMIRAE fanfic.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن