Meeting the demonic father in law

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Takes place in dark apocalypse war when Raven lets her father out briefly to help with the situation.
Damian stood his mouth in a straight line as he looked at Raven, her eyes as red as hellfire as he called her name. She was on her knees. He called for her, to get a tiny piece of insurance that she was ok.

"I will kill you boy!" Raven's eyes moved up to meet his, her voice turned demonic not to mention deep. Her red eyes were visible as they looked like they were on fire.

Damian took a step back, his eyes widening under his Robin mask. Raven put her palm of her up towards the gem that was attached to her forehead. He heard her whisper a "shut up," under her breath rather angrily.

She looked at him, her amethyst eyes staring back at him. "So that was my dad." She said rather calmly. "As you can see he sort of believes me to be a disappointment, which is nice." She said nonchalantly

Damian fought the urge to go into the gem on his Beloved's head and kill Trigon. His hand instinctively brushed the hilt of his sword, as he pictured doing just that.

"It was unfair the way fate worked sometimes." Raven thought to herself. Everyone had been killed and they were the last line of defence. Not to mention that she had a dimensional demon, trapped in a crystal on her forehead.

Damian reached out a hand and helped Raven off of the floor. She sent him a smile in return.

"Daughter, release me! I will paint this world red, with your precious lover's blood! Don't take me for a fool daughter, I can sense your emotions. The love you hold for him is truly pitiful Daughter. Although I suppose your children wouldn't be that bad, little bird."Trigon yelled inside Raven's thoughts, his voice banging on the walls of her subconscious like a broken drum. Raven gasped as heard the last sentence causing Damian to look at her with worry.

"The boy cares for you Daughter, but unfortunately he is a mortal. You will live for centuries while he dies of old age." Trigon said with mock sympathy as the chains holding him in Raven's head broke and snapped. Rage built up inside her veins as her eyes turned red

"you will never leave this prison father, even if I have to die to do so!" Raven yelled into the abyss that was her subconscious.

The fury in her veins was like ice-cold water being dumped on the chains which bind Trigon to the space inside Raven's head. The purple chains were so brittle that Raven was afraid that they would shatter although she didn't show that in front of her father.

"Little bird we both know that the boy, you are so enamoured with will never let you die and that earns my respect!" Trigon smirked slightly, an evil grin appeared on his face. Much to Raven's shock. "Little bird I may be a demon but I am still your father." He said seriously before cutting off the connection between him and Raven.

Raven returned rather quickly to reality, Damian stood staring at her confused facial expression with a mischievous grin on his face. "I heard him, you know."

Raven simply smiled teasingly "and what is it? That you thought you heard Wayne?" Raven asked standing up close to his face so that he could feel her breath on his cheek.

Her skin was pale and gaunt as her purple eyes were now darkened tiredness dancing within them it was clear that the fight between her and Trigon was not just mental but physical as well.

"What he was saying to you, about your children. If anything I count that as a success Beloved, considering I still have the urge to stab a sword through your father's heart." Damian muttered darkly in Raven's ear to which she just shrugged her shoulders as she replied sighing loudly "me too Robin, me too".

"Are you two going to get a move on Bloody teenagers!" A certain blond-haired English magic user growled out under his breath.

"Constantine!" Both teens hissed out, but they relented realising that they have a mission to complete.

When they arrived at the room, the Flash was running on a continuous treadmill. A wire was attached to the back of Flash's neck keeping him in place. He had lost weight, his skin nearly falling off his already skinny body.

He had aged about 30 years since the last time people saw him. His hair had gone slightly grey as far as people could see through the amount of lightning that was being generated through the use of the speed force.

His facial hair had seen grown stubble lining his chin it was clear he hadn't been given much care since he had been taken by Darkside.

Once Barry was out of his imprisonment and had stopped shaking they gave Barry company before departing on with their mission to defeat Darkside.

A couple of hours later, there Damian and Raven stood, a portal now in front of them, ready to take them home. Trigon and Darkside were fighting each trading blows.

Damian waited by Raven's side before she practically pushed him towards the portal. "Go I'm right behind you!" Raven reassured.

Damian relented, disappearing in a cloud of light as he stepped through the boom tube.

Trigon's voice echoed throughout the atmosphere "what a wonderful gift daughter be well and take care of yourself and that boy or I might just come back to destroy him!"

Raven didn't know what to say her father had shown affection however minimal it had been. It lightened Raven's heart as she felt differently so she opted for a simple "goodbye father..." her voice showed a hint of sadness and possible guilt. As she took the opportunity and stepped through the portal right back to earth.

Apocalypse disappeared in a black hole, paridooms were no more and neither was apocalypse...

You're as dark as my demon but your as light as the sun a DAMIRAE fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now