iv. 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐎𝐱𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐧

Start from the beginning

"I know you're upset." Ward began before he was cut off.

"Oh, fuck off!" Skyler shouted in his direction. "Hook your psycho son up to a lie detector and see how good the system works then."

"I understand you're upset, okay?" Ward asked, directed toward Kie, "I know he's got you fooled. He's got you all fooled."

"No, im not just upset!" Kie yelled as she lunged for Ward, Shoupe and another Deputy jumping in to hold her back.

Skyler grabbed Kie to pull her away from the police. "She's good! She's fine, leave her alone!"

"Show some respect!" Ward shouted their way.

"You wanna get arrested? Get out. Go." Shoupe told each of them with a serious expression on his face.

"This is bullshit." Kie shook her head, Skyler still holding her arm.

"Come on, it's not worth it." Sarah said as she put an arm around Kie, the girl pulling Skyler with them.

"It's not a coincidence that your daughters sitting with us." Kie yelled back one last time.

"I'm gonna testify under oath." Sarah stated, "I was there. I just need to get a hold of my sister."

"Sister?" JJ asked in disbelief.

"Kie, do you have your phone?" Sarah asked as she looked toward the Carrera girl, "Wheezie is the only other person that knows Rafe wasn't home that day."

"Wheezie?" JJ asked again in disbelief.

"I don't know what else to do." Sarah shook her head, "I got us into this mess. I'm gonna do my best to get us out."

"Wheezie? Yeah, that will work." JJ scoffed when Sarah walked off.

"Here." Skyler walked from the kitchen to give Kie a cut up tea. "It's a lavender tea. It's proven to help reduce anxiety and stress."

Kie took it. "Thanks."

"Our boy is a PO-dub right now, okay?" JJ gave a point of his finger, "He's held captive by the enemy right now, maybe even scheduled for execution. Are we just gonna sit here?"

"Then whats the plan? We kidnap Shoupe?" Kie yelled his way in disbelief.

"Maybe, like, that's not the worst idea actually." JJ pointed out.

"No, that is actually the worst idea i've ever heard." Pope said as he pointed at JJ.

"It's pretty bad." Sarah said from inside.

"You know? Please, just stay out of this." JJ snapped at her, "Okay, Pope, look, we've been doing everything your way, and how has that been working out?"

"Okay, okay, so what's your plan? You gonna storm a jail, guns a-blazing?" Pope asked as he rose to his feet.

"Look, Pope, all I'm trying to get you to understand is they got our boy. Are we just gonna sit here and do nothing? No! We're gonna go get his ass. We're gonna do something about it!" JJ shouted as he stood face to face with Pope.

"JJ, we're not storming a jail. It's not happening." Pope shook his head.

"No, fine, man. Sit in your comfy chair. Do nothing." JJ shook his head, "I'm gonna see what I can do. Make something happen, even if I have to do it by myself."

Skyler watched him go, looking at Kie. "I can try to talk to my mom, see what she can do next."

"No, you've already helped a lot." Kie shook her head. "You don't need to be in the middle of this."

"Yes, I do." Skyler got to her feet with a nod. "I know John B is innocent, i'm not gonna abandon him and all of you. Let me call my mom."

Kie hesitated, nodding her head. "Okay."

Skyler headed inside the chateau.

"You're still here?" Kie walked into the chateau later that night to see Skyler still sat near the kitchen.

"Sorry, my moms doing legal stuff at home and thought it would be best if i'm not there, since i'm kinda involved now." Skyler explained with a nod. "Usually I go stay with my dad but I know he will probably just ask a lot of questions. I hope you don't mind, or John B."

"No, it's fine." Kie sighed, dropping one of her bags on the pull out couch. "You'll just get a roommate."

Skyler sensed the sadness on her. "So, it didn't go too well with your parents?"

"Pope and I felt guilty for your mom pretty much helping us for free." Kie said honestly with an exhale. "And it just lead to a huge fight with my parents and my mom is just so...she makes me so miserable."

Skyler frowned, walking over to sit next to her. "You got kicked out?"

"She doesn't get it." Kie mumbled with a shake of her head. "She doesn't understand what these guys mean to me, how for once i've found people that make me feel like I fit in, like they're apart of me."

Skyler nodded with an exhale. "I don't know exactly what happened, but if your mom can't understand that you have friends and a family that make you feel loved, it sounds like she doesn't actually want what's best for you."

"Exactly." Kie looked at her. "Why do you understand this? I've never seen you hang out with Pogues."

"No." Skyler laughed slightly, crossing her legs under her. "It's not the same thing, but I get what it's like to feel like you can't be yourself and then having the people that are suppose to love you most, just, do the complete opposite."

Kie stared, waiting for her to go on. Skyler nodded her head. "When I first came out to my parents, they hadn't gotten divorced yet. I'd known for, like, so long, but I just wanted to be certain. So, I sat them down and I just told them. I like girls. And my mom was supportive, and she acted like it wasn't a big deal, like it was normal, and that all I wanted. But, my dad, that was a whole different ball game. He started talking about how people go through phases, and how when I get married and have kids one day, i'll look back at this and laugh with my husband about it."

Kie shook her head with an eyeroll. "That's seriously such bullshit."

"Yeah, I know." Skyler agreed with an exhaled. "So, I get it. You feel safe being yourself, and then it all just crashes down on you because you don't get the support and love from the people you want it most from."

Kie gave a sad smile, nodding her head. "I feel like no one understood."

Sky stared over at her as Kie grabbed her hand. "Until now."

A grin spread across the Kooks face, raise an eyebrow slightly. "It's Oxytocin."

"What?" Kie gave an odd look.

"Oxytocin. It's a type of hormone. There's science behind me understanding you." Skyler nodded her head as Kie listened to her. "Female friendships increase serotonin and oxytocin, to help bond us."

Kie only smiled, nodding her head.

kylie speaks

love wlw chemistry sm

love wlw chemistry sm

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