Chapter twenty...

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Sarah's point of view...

I woke to the feeling that I had to use the bathroom.

I can't move.

Falling asleep with Louis was a great idea but it's much harder trying to move a sleeping arm without waking him up.

I eventually succeeded and made my way over after putting on Louis t shirt.

"You look sexy in my shirt", he said.

"And I love your sexy morning voice", I replied before closing the bathroom door.

After a few minutes, I emerged and felt myself pulled into a pair of strong arms.

"I wish Paula didn't have to go back today", I spoke.

"You'll see her soon", Louis replied.

After getting dressed, we walked downstairs to find everyone sat in the living room apart from Zayn who was still out for the count.

Niall and Paula were cuddled up on the sofa and I could see that she didn't want to go back to Cardiff either. Her bag was packed and stood by the front door.

"What time is the taxi booked?", I said to Paula.

"Eleven", she replied. "I have to be at the train station to catch the half twelve train". The sadness was obvious in her voice.

"You know you can always come up here anytime you want", Niall whispered.

"Everyone, there is one thing we wanted to tell you, now that it's official", paula said, linking hands with Niall.

"Were in a relationship. Boyfriend and girlfriend". Both Paula and Niall were grinning like Cheshire cats.

I rushed over to the pair of the. And launched myself at them till we were in a group hug.

"I'm so happy for you two", I laughed "but then Paula has always had a crush on you".

Both Paula and Niall started to blush.

Paula and Niall decided to go back upstairs and spend the last couple of hours together before she went back to Cardiff.

I turned to Louis.

"I guess we should make our way over to the studio after Paula leaves so we can get busy on that song", I said. "Any thoughts yet. I'd like it to be a love song".

"I've had some thoughts about lyrics but I want to be in front of a piano to get the melody", he replied.

We both sat in the sofa watching television with me checking my twitter and Facebook accounts.

I was amazed at how many followers I had now and Louis and I laughed at some of the comments.

"Look, we have a ship name", Louis laughed. "Were called Souis".

"I'll never get these names", I replied.

I never let the hurtful comments get to me. Of course some weren't going to like us being in a relationship but they weren't us. I loved the nice ones. They made us both smile and I had to follow a few. It wasn't long before i got a few replies thanking me for the follow.

we decided to take a picture together and Louis posted it on twitter with the comment...

Chilling with my beautiful girlfriend. It's going to be a great day. Let the ideas flow

I had to laugh.

Niall and Paula came back downstairs and I could tell that Paula had been crying.

The doorbell rang and we all gathered for a group hug before she left for the train station but not before we promised to meet up soon.

Louis grabbed his car keys and we headed over to the recording studio.

I'd never been to anything like this before and it was a little overwhelming.

We soon settled into writing and it was amazing how fast the ideas were coming to us. It was long before we had the first verse and the chorus written.

"This is going to sound amazing", I said

"No, your going to sound amazing", Louis replied "But we have a lot more to do", he said before pointing for me to sit in front of the piano.

I hadn't played in a while but running my hands over the keys, I knew that this was my passion in life. My music.

I began to play, the world disappearing from around me as I caressed the black and white keys. It was natural. It was fluid and I forgot everything but the music.

"Where did that come from?", Louis asked.

"I don't know", I replied. "It just happened".

"I think I got that recorded", Louis laughed.

We played the melody back and I had to admit that it sounded good.

The rest of the day, we out the lyrics together with the melody and by the evening, we had a song.

"This is going to be one hell of an audition song", Louis laughed.

"And it's all because of you", I answered.

We made our way back to Harry's and settled down on the sofa to watch television.

We decided to order in Chinese food and laughed at each other as we tried to use chopsticks. We eventually gave up and settled for spoons.

After washing the plates, we decided to cuddle up in bed but not before calling Paula to check that she had arrived home safely.

"How about we do a twitcam?", Louis suggested and I giggled. I had never done anything like that before.

We settled infront of Louis laptop and before long, there were thousands of people loggin in.

Louis point of view...

"Hey everyone", Louis spoke. "I thought that I would do a twitcam as it's been a while. But first, I want to introduce my gorgeous girlfriend Sarah to the world. World meet Sarah and Sarah meet the world".

Sarah couldn't help but laugh.

"Hi world", she answered.

The questions soon began flying in.

"We have our first question from America. Where did you and Sarah meet and how long have you been a couple?".

Sarah answered.

"We met in Cardiff and we havn't been a couple for that long".

"question number two from Germany. What do you like the most in each other?".

"Well, I love Sarah's passion in life", I said "and her ability to always make me smile".

"I love Louis dedication to his music", Sarah said "and his eyes. I get lost in them".

I hugged Sarah close.

"question three is from France. I think Souis amazing. Can you give each other a kiss for us?".

I looked at Sarah and we leaned into each other and gave each other a kiss.

Well I meant for it to be a short kiss, but things soon got a little heated and we broke apart laughing.

Things went on for a while and even Harry joined in for a few minutes.

Before long, we were saying our goodbyes and we both curled up in bed, excited bout Sarah's audition the next day.

"Thankyou", I heard Sarah whisper to me.

"What for?", I answered.

"I know you said I saved you but I think the truth is, is that you've saved me".

"I love you", I said to Sarah.

"Love you too cariad", Sarah replied and before long we were both asleep in each other's arms.

will you still love me???- a Louis Tomlinson fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now