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before y/n and yoongi went out for their little date which will turn out to having them to go separate ways, the guys have warned yoongi to look out for thanatos because he has not shown himself for quite some time and as the season is ending, they are getting afraid for each other's safety

they warned yoongi to keep a look out for thanatos and thank goodness y/n heard their warning to yoongi as most of them still think that she's a human

as they were happily grabbing their last ice cream they will be having together, yoongi, being the kind gentleman he is, offered to buy them ice cream and that she should wait for him at the nearby bench that's near the ice cream parlour

turns out that the warning is indeed useful

moments after yoongi went off to buy the ice creams, thanatos alone

that was weird because now that his helper is out, he should be going everywhere with dyrk

well, today may not be a lucky day for any of them but as long as yoongi never see her fighting him or her in her fairy form, that's alright

"what do you want thantos? i have no time to deal with any funny business you have up your sleeve"

thantos smirked at her and walked closer to her which made her lean backwards, against the bench

"well... i realised that i don't needs anything. however, there's someone i need instead? and guess whose that? you"

with that being said, he immediately captured y/n in his arms and this had led her no choice but to turn into her fairy form and fly away from him

turning back into her human form, she yelled

"i don't want to be yours thantos! i only want to be yoongi's and only his! and lastly, im not a toy you can play around with"

thanatos was angered by what she said and charged towards her, trying to have her in his arms and take her back to where he's currently hiding but due to y/n's successful rate of escaping due to changing into her different forms, this helped her keep him busy so that yoongi will not see the fight

however, when yoongi stepped out of the ice cream parlour, y/n almost got smashed onto the door in her fairy form as she was flying away form thanatos

lucky for her, yoongi did not notice a fairy flying around and his appearance made thantos disappear and y/n changing back into her human form

"did you wait for a long time? i'm really sorry if you did"

"no its alright! while waiting for you, i got bored so i decided to take a look at the other shops around!"

she lied to him and at the same time, trying to not make it seem like she's lying

with that, yoongi was oblivious to what had happened just now and he carried on with their final date, and also not noticing how y/n kept looking around, trying to see if there's any trace of thanatos

have to say, other than that incident, everything on the date went well and they both enjoyed it a lot

however, like they always say, time flies faster when you're enjoying it and time certainly did pass faster

after his confession and all, y/n solemnly walked back to her apartment and her sad face did not go unnoticed by the female at the counter

as it was time for her to leave and head back to the fairy realm, she started tearing up as memories of yoongi together with her started to flood her mind, causing her to break out into a waterfall

tears kept falling from her eyes, unstoppable and the ache in her heart was also starting to get really unbearable

seeing that she has a photo of him on her desk, she hugged onto it tightly, accidentally crumpling it in the process

she was in her heartbroken state but a sudden thought in her mind was that she will be able to spend 3 months worth of winter with him next year so instead of grieving over him now, she should be motivated and looking forward to that day

moments passed and she's ready to have the spring fairy live there

looking up, she whispered

"i'm ready"

and off she is, disappearing into the fairy realm

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now