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"ya you guys are taking too long! y/n is probably waiting for me already!"

yoongi called out to the other gods who are frantically trying to find a nice human like outfit as they are really excited to see y/n but they are taking too long which made yoongi shout for them because he doesn't want to be late because of the other gods frantically trying to find clothes and thus making them late

"okay! we're done hyung!"

hoseok said and all of them instead, look like a mess as their hair is so messy, as if they have just stepped out of bed and their clothes looks so crumpled

"omg. what on earth are you guys thinking about? what is this?!"

yoongi's jaw dropped upon seeing his friends act like a bunch of kids who don't even know how to dress probably because of how they are looking as of right now

'gosh i don't even know what to do with them'

yoongi rolled his eyes internally and with a snap of his finger, their outfits changed to thicker layer clothes and jimin even have a scarf around his neck to keep himself warm

"you guys don't want to get cold out there right? did you guys forget that it is winter in the human realm? and your hair, they look disgusting"

yoongi commented and seeing how they now look ready, they left to the human realm

"how long more do we have to walk"

seokjin whined as the walk from where the portal ended up, which is where yoongi's currently staying at to y/n house is a bit far but some of the lazy bums are already complaining about walking for 2km

without knowing, they all have reached y/n's apartment building and as for yoongi, he called y/n to come down as they are going for breakfast together

"hyung. what are we doing here? isn't this place where all the fairies stays at? why are we here?"

jungkook asked yoongi and as far as jungkook knows, he thought that he heard rumours of all the humans staying in this block where it is for fairies, moved so this would mean that everyone staying here is only fairies

"this is where y/n stays at you guys. stop asking so many questions. she is coming down soon and please do not mention anything about us being gods or something else"

yoongi huffed out as he is lowkey scared of what his friends are going to do

"hi! you guys must be yoongi's friends! nice meeting you guys!"

a voice rang out and everyone saw a girl walking out from the building and also stretching her hand out for a handshake with the unfamiliar guys yoongi is with

'god what are doing'

yoongi was so close to slapping them because of how dumb they look like, staring at her in disbelief, he would assume and because of that, he pinched jungkook who was the closest to him

due to the pinch given by yoongi to jungkook, jungkook snapped back into reality and when he did, the rest of the guys did too and one by one, they began to introduce themselves to y/n

although yoongi has warned them about not saying their real identities to her because she is a human, someone has to be the one and almost spilling the beans

it was jimin who almost spilled that he is an autumn god, also stuttering in the process and this got him a slap from seokjin but one thing yoongi saw that he could not believe it is that his friends who are the noisiest, awkwardly smiling to one another

yoongi has enough of it so he decided to break the silence by asking y/n if she want to go to her favourite cafe

"shall we go to your favourite cafe?"

y/n to squeal in delight upon hearing that and run towards yoongi, not forgetting to cling onto his arm

"let's go! i wanna eat something new today! i saw a new dish on the menu.."

y/n started her daily conversation of food but yoongi realised that his friends aren't behind him after walking for a while so he turned back to look at them and signalled them to follow him with his eyes

'what's wrong with the guys after seeing y/n?'

yoongi pondered about it as his friend's weird behaviour is making him worried about them but y/n's safety comes first

he is afraid that at any moment, thanatos will appear out of nowhere and try to capture y/n for who-know-what-reason so it is jess art to be around y/n almost all the times

when they reached the cafe, gotten their seats and have already ordered their food, y/n said that she needs to run to the restroom for a quick moment which yoongi let her go but once she is out of his sight, he turned to his friends with emotions that changed 180

"what's wrong with you guys? why are you guys so awkward with her? i thought you guys are so excited to meet her and say all kinds of rubbish? what's wrong with you guys n0w?"

yoongi asked them with lots of emotions laced in his words and after he said those, there was silence for a while before jungkook started speaking

"hyung, i think i heard some rumours that all the humans that are living in that apartment building have all moved out and that there are only the fairies are living in there. no one else lives in there except for fairies"

jungkook said it in a whisper and hoseok, taehyung, seokjin and jimin nodded their heads at that

"namjoon did you know about that?"

yoongi asked because namjoon is the only one that is not nodding his head or anything

"actually i-"

"alright i'm back! so what are you guys talking about?"

y/n said as she just came back from the restrooms

"nothing y/n. we were just asking yoongi hyung how he knew you or met you"

jungkook quickly said, trying to cover up the things they were talking about just now

'what on earth is namjoon's response? he was quiet this whole time so does he know or does he not know? i can't quite put my finger into it because he can be very mysterious at times like this in particular and will probably;y not tell us if he knew it or not. or is there another secret that he is hiding? or is there-'

"yoongi your food is here. i've been calling you for quite a while but you seemed like you are in a daze. are you alright?"

y/n asked which made yoongi snap out of his daze and nodded, implying that he is alright and started digging into his food

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now