30. Overwrought

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Finn/Rebekah (M/f) hairbrush

Monday, August 20, 1855

School House

One Week Before


"Miss Hayley, you have a visitor!" Harriet called into the parlor excitedly.

"Oh Harriet, there is no need to shout. She can hear real good. Who is it?" Mrs. Whitmore asked. The ladies were attending to their needlework and Mrs. Whitmore had a pair of glasses perched at the tip of her nose. Harriet thought she looked ridiculous.

Harriet paused and gave Hayley a pained look. "It tis Mr. Mikaelson."

Hayley set aside her needlework, which she detested anyway and excused herself. She told Harriet that it was alright. Mrs. Whitmore knew everyone's business anyway. To Hayley's chargin, Mrs. Whitmore got up and followed her. The older lady, who was before complaining about her gout, sprang in front of Hayley to intercede Elijah first.

"Oh Mr. Mikaelson, we heard there a bit of a fracas at the school house today. Everyone is speaking about the fire. Now, surely, you will be taking care of that...," Mrs. Whitmore started.

Elijah grasped her hands, "Certainly, think of it no more. My family will repair all the damages. Now, madam, if I may take the school mistress for a time. My nephew and I would like to show her something. But only with your express permission, of course."

Mrs. Whitmore and now Harriet peered into the coach parked on the start in front of the boarding house. Harriet got a glimpse of Marcel and he smiled and waved. She stumbled back in shock with a small 'oh.'

"Yes, that is young Marcellus. We do have some ah, pressing business," Elijah said in a pleasantly light voice. He pressed a bouquet of vervain, and some local wildflowers into her hand. "You will enjoy your evening and let Miss Marshall enjoy hers."

"Of course, sir. Y'all go. You are respectable. Do not let me keep you," Mrs. Whitmore intoned, she clutched the bouquet and pressed it to her ample bosom. "Go on, now."

Elijah offered his arm to Hayley and they stepped into the warm night.

"Elijah, is this about the boys? I sent a note. Did you find out more?"

"No, my dear. Finn is handling that. I am afraid that Niklaus was missing," Elijah confided. "I found him unconscious with the scent of wolves around him. I have a feeling that the new wolves in town could be connected. Can you help us?"

Hayley got into the coach and greeted Marcel. He was distraught, but fighting to hold it together. Hayley replied to Elijah, "Of course, but I am not sure what I can do."

"Can you sense other werewolves? Smell them? That is all we need right now," Elijah explained. "I also may need to find Emily Bennett. Niklaus is still unconscious."

"Who? I do not know an Emily," Hayley clarified.

"You did. She was a witch of inordinate power. I believe she wiped your memory, as well as Katherine Pierce's when she left. If you will allow me to compel you, I maybe be able to find out a clue to her whereabouts," Elijah went on.

"Of course. I trust you. That man who came into the school today...I heard that they are living up the road in that abandoned house. Now that I think of it, we should try there," Hayley suggested.

Abe Hiltman's Old Shack

Dragomir paced again. Where had Croia and the old witch gone? Garen, his brother was lost to them. Dragomir put down his black leather boots firmly. He was tall, dark, and made of solid muscle.

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