The Howlers

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The Golden Trio just finished their third year at Hogwarts and Hermione felt bad for Professor Lupin because he had been basically forced into quitting once the ministry found out he was a werewolf. Of course Hermione, being the brilliant girl she was, got permission to have a petition. That petition would then allow werewolves to work in the wizarding world, like regular witches and wizards, if it got enough signatures. The minister said it needed one thousand, five hundred signatures, none of the signatures could be from werewolves or
members of the ministry.

Hermione managed to convince professor Dumbledore to get all the staff and students to sign it getting it to about a thousand signatures right away. She got Mrs. Weasley and the older Weasley boys to sign it, her own parents, she even somehow got Harry's aunt and uncle to sign it. Overtime Hermione got enough signatures but she was still missing one, a singular signature would change the lives of werewolves, but who could she get to sign it. She thought about it for a long time and then one specific person popped into her head, Sirius Black. Hermione and Harry had been staying with the Weasley's all summer and as soon as Hermione got the idea she bolted down the stairs to see Molly in the kitchen.

"Mrs. Weasley! I have an idea for who can be the last signature for the petition!"

"Oh? Who could that be dear?"

"Sirius of course! It's also mean so much to Professor Lupin if he signed it."

"What a great idea but don't you need that in by next week? How are we going to get it to him and back in a week?"

"I know he lives in a really fancy place, he's rich isn't he? He probably has a fireplace that we can use floo powder for."

"That's true. Let's try it."

In a moment Molly and Hermione had both successfully used floo powder to get to number 12 Grimmauld Place and had scared the living day light out of Sirius.

"What are you doing here and how did you even get here?" Sirius questioned them with a very confused look on his face.

"Floo powder. Now can you please sign this? We need one last name and then Professor Lupin can keep his job as Defence against the Dark Arts teacher." Hermione eagerly explained.

"We'll if it's for Remus then of course."

Sirius signed the last spot on the page and then said his goodbyes to Hermione and Molly before they used floo powder to get back. Hermione ran up the stairs right into Ron's room where Harry had been all day. She walked in with a big smile on her face and said,

"We did it! Professor Lupin can keep his job and other werewolves can now get jobs!"

"Yes! This is great." Harry cheered and jumped around full of excitement.

Harry then took the petition sheet and put it in an envelope and gave it to Hedwig to bring to the ministry. Hedwig flew off and it was only a matter of time.

Remus was told by Dumbledore that summer to stay at the school in case Hermione's plan worked, it was enough to convince him and he had his full moons there too, Madam Pomfrey and Professor Mcgonagall used their old tactics to help Remus through his full moon in the shrieking shack and they even let Sirius come and stay with him. Those few moons were the best he's had in years, he was better taken care of and had his best friend there the whole time with him.

Eventually the new year had started and Hermione hadn't gotten a single letter from the ministry but she was very happy to see her favourite teacher, Remus Lupin, sitting in his seat at the staff table. Harry and Ron had to keep her from jumping out of her seat, but at the same time they were also very happy. Shortly after the sorting ceremony of the new students Dumbledore stood up and prepared himself to speak, then he did so.

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