Mikasa felt like he is different when he woke up, the way he look at her, it was queit different than before. She couldn't blame him though but he makes queit a big deal out of it and although it makes her heart flutter, it's not important for now. " Eren, are you alright?"

" Please, stay queit." He said while clenching his fist together and Mikasa-- Mikasa doesn't understand what is happening right now. He just woke up and he suddenly says those things, well, it's not like he understands it himself, even he is confused with the way he acts, he want to be close to her, to know her better but he also wants to push her away because she remind him of her and he knows that she wouldn't like it.

Mikasa watched him, confused at his sudden actions but she stayed queit as she stayed vigilant of him. What will he say next? He sighed heavily, closing his eyes to relax his muscles for a bit because he felt tensed while he look at her.

"Mikasa, will you please leave first?"  Mikasa's eyes turned sharp eye said those words, the expression on her face is unreadable but she emit a dangerous aura around her.

" Why?" She ask, her voice almost quivering as she ask him.  He didn't say anything, the room is eerily silent. " Tell me why Eren? What's happening, your just sick and then you are suddenly acting like that."

" It's not sudden."

" Well, it is." She replied towards him.  " What the f- What's wrong, tell me!?" She ask, she wasn't shouting but she's not definitely just speaking, it's like she is controlling herself not to be angry. " Everything's fine and your just suddenly--"

" I just don't feel like it, Mikasa."

  " I don't understand what you are coming from."

Well, she doesn't think much of the kiss, it's an accident anyway and although it makes her heart flutter, it's not that important, it's not as if she hasn't kiss a guy before.

"Just forget about it, if that's what you are thinking."

  That words hurt him more than it should, it shouldn't even hurt in the first place.

"It's easy for you to say that because you don't know anything, you don't even know me at all and you don't know how much that kiss is affecting me right now." He almost had tears in his eyes when he said that and Mikasa's heart clenched in pain.  " You just don't know."

" How would I know when you do t even tell me anything, I just know that you are a vampire and then that's it, that's all I know about you and I don't even know why I wanted to be around you so much, it confuses the heck out of me and then you are telling me to leave which hurts me even when I don't know the reason why I feel this way." She burst out, catching her breath as she finished saying those words, the troubled loom on her face, it gives him pain.

"Well, you don't need to know the reason why?"

" Eren.." she calls sadly, " I don't know what's happening to you? We're ok a while ago and your suddenly just like this." 

" I just need time to be alone right now, Mikasa." He answered and she nodded, she didn't understand but maybe she needed that too because she's confused as heck about herself, about everything, all those things happening around her.

"Ok," she nodded, catching her breath as she brush her hair with her hands. " Ok, Eren if you wish."

Then she left his home.


Eren go back to their world after that, he greeted his mother who is eating her dinner by the time he comes home. His mother raised her eyebrow as she look at her son with a worried expression on her face, she knows him. Mother's always seem to know their children no matter what. The Mother Queen stared at her son as he sighed.

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