hcs (comeback)

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Kyran is extremely awkward but his love language is physical touch 101% he loves giving and receiving hugs and Funneh is usually at the receiving end of Kyran hugs

Funneh is very attentive, like scarily attentive. She knows everyone's business and most of the time they don't even tell her she just knows

A lot of people entrust Evelyn with their secrets and she loves hearing them (she also never forgets them). This leads her to know more than she probably should but doesn't say a word.

Valerie is really good at sewing and gets very excited when someone rips something. It reminds her of her mother and makes her feel a little less homesick

Similarly, Gold bedazzles things, she a bedazzler. She finds it very relaxing and usually does it when she's on edge which leads her too have lots and lots of shiny things.

Alec has an incredibly large vocabulary and during arguments (usually petty ones with Funneh) he'll say a stupidly long word and Funneh will be like "What the fuck???"

Britney is the oldest of a very large family and is by instinct a big sister figure for a lot of people (ex: Reminding people to eat and do their homework also helping with homework, and offering rides)

Yumi is a beast behind the wheel. When she drives she's always pissed off, she has her hand on the horn the whole time, flips people off, cusses people out, and will get out of her car and fight you at a red or green light.

Elijah and Celeste will have the most heated screaming matches and then 2 minutes later be like "k u want indian or chinese tonight?"

Felecia claims she hates furry animals because she's allergic to them but is the cause of all the stray cats on campus because she skips to feed them and even sneaks out of her dorm to play with them. (she is indeed allergic)

It takes Funneh a second to differentiate her lefts and rights. When you ask for directions she'll stare at her hands for a bit and then be like "oh yeah its that way" (its not most of the time)

Alec had a tongue piercing for 3 days he got at a house party when he was wasted but had to get rid of  it when it went through a vein. (He liked it but refused to admit it and considered getting another one)

Prince can't take spice but has very high alcohol tolerance foe some reason.



is still love yhs I've just been busy with testing and applications 😯

i hope i can do more of these !! see yall <333

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