A Canonical Romance

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It was a semi-ordinary day at Hogwarts, the closest you would ever get to an ordinary day at all. Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat in their usual corner of the Gryffindor common room, studying for their Transfiguration test scheduled for the next day.

Correction: Harry and Hermione were studying.

It was Sunday, and the professional Quidditch season had just begun with its premier match; the Chudley Cannons vs. the __. So, instead of studying, Ron was decked out head to toe in full Cannons memorabilia. He was wearing a bright orange jersey with the number 55 on it, a name emblazoned on the back 'Derickson', the jersey was a little too big, and fell to Ronald's thighs, but he didn't seem to mind. He had on a large hat that looked like the front end of a cannon barrel, it sat right atop his head, the front of the cannon pointing straight into the air. Whenever Ron made a sudden movement a small blast of confetti would burst from the cannon, dousing the unfortunate bystanders; Harry and Hermione. Ron was crouched over a small device, almost resembling a radio listening intently to the game.

"OH! AND DERICKSON TAKES A NASTY FALL! It seems the Cannon's star keeper is keeping up his record of most concussions a game. What is this now 132?"

Another voice came over the radio, "You tell them Flerick! It seems that Derickson can't help himself! He's always about keeping his head in the game!"

The two announcers laughed for a few moments at their own joke before going back to their commentary.

"It seems Derickson has recovered from his Concussion thanks to the Cannon's star healer Madam Giongres. Why, with the amount this team gets injured she must be the greatest healer on the Isle!"

"You may be right there Flerick, oh it seems the game is back on. The Cannon's are starting, oh a good pass from Craitty to Rolland. WOW a triple-scoop barrel twist from star Seeker Irilly Jordini, what a show!"

"OH DID YOU SEE THAT! My friend, we seem to have witnessed history. Cannon's Seeker Wilfrin Stunkerhuik has caught sight of the snitch!"

"Right, you are! For the first time in 80 years, the Cannons may have an actual chance at catching the snitch this game."

Ron stood up, cheering for his team. Most of the common room -- Including Harry and Hermione, started glaring at his disruption.

"Oh! Stunkerhuik has made a dive! He's going low... Wait he's pulled up... HE'S DONE IT. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE JUST WITNESSED HISTORY! NUMBER 67, STUNKERHUIK HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! That brings this game to a close, a close game, 140 to 150 ending in a Cannons victory!"

Ron was jumping about, screaming at the top of his lungs. The cannon, shaking and jostling with his movement, was letting out explosion after explosion of confetti. The students in the common room began taking cover as bright orange and yellow confetti began raining down from the ceiling. Ron began spinning in circles, a massive grin on his face, as he turned to face the rest of the common room, he froze.

His cannon stopped firing, yet the booms could still be heard. And confetti still fell from the sky. There was another person, on the opposite side of the room, decked out in Chudley Cannon's merchandise and a Cannon Cap.

Katie Bell, decked out in a bright orange jersey and cannon, was jumping around in celebration, covering the poor Gryffindors with confetti. Harry and Hermione slowly crept out from their shelter, looking for the one who saved them from Ron's confetti bombardment. Only to freeze along with their friend.

"Harry...Hermione are you seeing what I'm seeing" Ron stuttered out.

Harry and Hermione nodded dumbly.

A Canonical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now