Beyoncé's always vocalized how much she wanted a daughter to play dress up with, spoil rotten and do other fun feminine activities. Lotus just so happens to be a 'girly girl' and Beyoncé enjoys her company. She's a mini Onika, down to the accent and mannerisms.

They even have fashion shows, where Beyoncé styles Lotus, and then she models the outfits for Onika and her stuffed animals.

Lotus keeps Beyoncé on her toes and she's happy to not only have one, but two bossy midgets, running around.

After cleaning up the hair products, she met Onika back in the bedroom, watching her bend over to assemble the Balenciaga Essex boots, she gifted her for Christmas.

Beyoncé bit her bottom lip as she pressed her front against Onika's ass, causing the shorter woman to jump.

"Beyyy! Why do you always do that? At least warn a bitch sometimes, damn." Onika whined, standing straight up.

"Now baby, you know you can't be doing that and expect me to just watch. I be getting flashbacks, seeing that ass bent over like that." Onika shyly blushed.

"There's something I have to tell you though." Beyoncé said, pulling Onika close, in her arms.

"Is it bad?" She inquired.

"Yes. Well, not really. Well—"

"Just tell me." Onika sighed.

She was expecting the worse, considering, there happens to be a pattern of bad news, lately.

"I'm sorry that I'm sharing such important info to you on your off day but.. You're fired, due to a conflict of interest."

"Girl, go to hell."

"I'm serious, I don't find it necessary to keep you as my personal chef if you've been feeding me, more ways than one." Beyoncé rebutted, placing a tender kiss on Onika's lips.

"If it were up to me, you'd be moving in with me, as well."

"I don't think that's a good idea Bey."

"Why not? I reside closer to Lotus' school. I have more than enough space and bed rooms here. My penthouse is secure and safe. You're over here damn near, everyday and you have an entire section in my closet. Don't say it's because I'm trying to move too fast, that's such a cliché way to think."

"Because you are trying to move too fast, Bey. I get that we don't see nobody else but us, I really do, but Bey, you have to think rationally here. Moving in with you, is way too big of a step for me to take. I'm only 5'3, my legs are mad short."

"You're 5'2."


"Whatever. I'm not going to debate with you over the obvious. To me, you're talking in circles because you still haven't given me a valid reason. Lotus even loves it here. She's comfortable."

"Yes, it may appear like we're moving too fast, to outsiders but baby, fuck them. A relationship is between two people, sometimes three but that's beside the point. I love you, more than I've ever loved anyone and I would appreciate being able to wake up to your stinky morning breath, everyday." Beyoncé continued.

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