Chapter 1

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   "Guys, come on, the dance is in 4 weeks and we still don't have dates. This is serious!" I scolded my two best friends, Mia and Jenny, who were lying upside down on my bed and glued to the new issue of Seventeen magazines. They tossed the magazines aside them and snapped right up to attention when I through a pillow in their direction.

  "Yea, you're right. This is serious," Mia sighed, "I don't understand how we still don't have dates though. I mean, come on, we are the hottest girls in the entire school. Guys should be lined up asking us." 

   I rolled my eyes turning to face my full length wall mirror and examined myself. I had natural ginger curly hair that hung half way down my back and a slim but curvy figure with smooth, radiant tan skin and stood at a height of 5'8. It is true that we are the hottest girls in school. We've, well I've, been ranked hottest girl 4 times in a row, been prom queen twice in sophomore and junior year, and won 10 beauty pageants.

   I looked over at Mia's curvy petite frame through the mirror and examined her. Mia was the exact opposite of what people stereotype blondes to be.Her big blue eyes popped under her ice blonde bangs. She was a extremely smart and even though she was a huge flirt, she was far from a slut that people assume her to be. Mia was the nicest one out of all 3 of us; she was always put us in check when Jenny and I went too far on a joke.

   Jenny started informing us of all the lames who already had dates which irked me since we we're still dateless. I zoned out as I looked over Jenny from head-to-toe. Jenny had a model type slim figure with wine red hair and mocha skin. Her toned legs went on for days and mad her about an inch and a half taller than me. You could say she was also practically fearless. She was my troublemaker-in-crime. She was also the only one who isn't afraid to curse me out when I start acting like a bitch towards them. While Mia can be more passive, Jenny is blunt and mean about it, but it's one of things I love about them because sometimes I get tired of everyone telling me yes. Just sometimes.

   "Have you guys done anything embarrassing?" I asked them out of the blue, cutting Jenny off. I turned on my heel to face them after a moment of not hearing any response and they both shook their heads vigorously. I loved these girls to death but I couldn't have them ruining my reputation. I spent too long fighting, tearing people down, and using/ bribing people to get to where I am now. "You better not have."

  "You don't have to worry about that. You know, we don't do anything embarrassing." Jenny informed me rolling her eyes. "But I do have to agree with Mia. How could no guy ask us to the prom?"

  I sighed and plopped down on my bed next to them."Guys, I'm supposed to be prom queen. Me. Not anyone else. How am I supposed to be prom queen without a date? I need my ,preferably handsome and popular, king. Can we try to focus on me and find me a date first?" I exclaimed. I needed a date. I couldn't be prom queen without one. I just couldn't.

  "Shut up Char. We need dates too. You're not the only one," Jenny scolded me, but I just rolled my eyes.

  "Yea I know, but I'm the only one that doesn't have a prom date that's going to be prom queen." I whined and turned over on my stomach.

   "Whatever. We'll look for your date first, but only because I'm tired of hearing you complain." Mia said while rolling her eyes. I hugged them both and gave them a kiss on the cheek.

  "Thanks guys! Love you. Now, let's go to the mall maybe we'll find some cute guys there." I suggested excitedly and went to put on my black thigh boots while Mia and Jenny went to go put on theirs.

   I went down to the kitchen where Kelly, my housekeeper, was to check if my parents got back from their trip to Paris yet, even though a part of me already knew the answer. "Hey Kel, what's the news on my parents and Paris?" I asked.

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