chapter 9

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Business was booming and everything was going great, there were tons of people satisfied with the condition of their vehicles and everyone met their deadline's on time and review's were all good, Danny was polishing up a car they had just finished detailing and soon heard a customer pull up, The first thing Danny noticed was the car, the second was the customer. The customer was an older mare in her 30's and looked like she had a ton of money, after approaching Sammy they talked for a few hours and then olive also joined the meeting and soon Danny and Mavis stood there confused on what was going on and soon the mare walked and Sammy walked out and informed everyone that they had a customer who wanted to invite them to a celebration to kick off their long time building car's and pulling off amazing results with each one, but soon Danny and Sammy walked to the side and spoke about the other part of what the customer would also require a date for the event, Danny just stared and replies your cool with me doing this? Yes Sammy replies and and soon Danny agrees to do job and surprisingly him and the mare who he found out her name was Bella and actually enjoyed her company and soon as they left the event to auction off priceless classic Ferrari's and raised the money for good causes Danny and Bella went to dinner and after everything was done both parted ways and Danny came back to the shop and informed Sammy that the event was a success and that the customer was very impressed. Sammy and the others were glad to hear the good news and decided to call it a day and go home since everyone was exhausted.

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