July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

   " I see, you were only using Shining Knight to damage the pole as much as possible, to make the metal weaker. Then you let Maryanne's nails cut it, once, and you could twist the metal because of how malleable it became. You used your stand to push on Maryanne's shoulders, to make you turn, and break the metal. "

You only nodded, and Shining Knight attacked her with its sword, but Mary jumped backward. You stand kept trying to attack her, but when she was out of range, you took the opportunity to run away. You knew where you needed to go, but you had to be faster than Mary. You could hear her footsteps running after you, and you made sure to keep your eyes open in case she started to manipulate any of the objects around you. She tried to control the light posts, and they swung towards you to knock you off your feet. You would dodge their attacks and use Shining Knight's sword to deflect the metal poles. You took the risk and ran in the middle of the road, so the light posts wouldn't be able to attack you. Your breathing was still ragged, and your body was in immense pain. Your adrenaline was the only driving force that was keeping you from stopping, but you were starting to slow down.

   ' Crap, I'm slowing down. I have one broken rib and lots of injuries. I won't be able to last long, if she attacks. I need to get there. '

You continued to run and turned the corner, going past the group of people still grouped at the site of the accident. You didn't see Josuke, Okuyasu, or Yuya, and they didn't see you. They had just arrived at the accident when you ran by, but you were not focused on finding Josuke. Instead, you were focused on surviving. You knew you were getting closer when you saw fewer and fewer buildings, but Mary had caught up to you. Her stand slashed at you, but your stand used its shield to defend your back. Her nails only grazed the shield, and you kept running. You noticed some of the benches would move in front of you to block your way, but you would go around them. Then the light poles started reaching for you again. You dodged them the best you could, and you turned off of the sidewalk and onto the green grass. As you ran, Mary's stand attacked again, but this time, Maryanne controlled a motorcycle parked on the side of the road. The bike drove towards you, and you jumped to the right, dodging it. The automobile drove past you, but it quickly turned around.

   ' Crap. This isn't good. '

You started to dodge the motorcycle, but after jumping so much, your body gave out on you when you landed. Your knees hit the dirt, and the bike sped towards you. Shining KNight's shield blocked you, but that left your back open. Maryanne slashed at your back with her nails, leaving deep cuts in your back. You held your scream in your mouth, and the motorcycle flew above you. The bike landed behind you and stopped beside mary, who was standing under the shade of a tree.

   " This is where you die. You made a very good effort, but it wasn't good enough. You are injured, and now your bleeding has gotten worse. "

The sun was starting to set, and you could see the orange color of the sky. Your chest was rising and falling quickly, and you knew you didn't have much longer.

   " Just accept it and things will be easier. "

Mary got closer, and her fingers were tapping her elbow again.

   " Maryanne, attack! "

Mary's stand lunged for you, but Shining Knight raised its sword and cut her nails again, making them short. Mary tried summoning the motorcycle beside her to run you over, but the bike shook before crumbling into parts.

   " You--You destroyed the motorcycle's main parts, keeping it together, while Maryanne attacked you. "

Mary looked around for something to control, but her eyes widened, and you for once saw fear in her eyes.

   " You led me to the park!? "

Slowly you pushed yourself up and smirked at her. You knew that if you led her to the park, she wouldn't be able to control anything but the trees. As you ran, you figured out that Mary could manipulate objects, and there was nothing for her to control in the park. If she tried to control the trees, they would break from bending low. And if it were the grass, she tried controlling; Shining Knight would slash through it with ease. It would be like a knife slicing through soft butter. 

   " No. . ."

Though you couldn't say anything, you thought it was cool how the sun was setting behind you as you walked closer towards Mary and got within your stand's rage. With nothing here for her to control, she was at a total loss.

   " I will not lose! "

Her stand appeared and tried attacking you, but Shining Knight had protected you from her short nails, and he stabbed her shoulder, reflecting the injury on Mary. Mary screamed and tried to run out of the park, but your stand had already knocked his shield against Maryanne, giving her a head injury. Mary stumbled from the sudden knock on her head and fell to the ground. You walked closer and stood beside her. You kneeled to the ground, and she looked at you with her eyes wide. You raised your elbow and hit her on the side of the head, knocking her head against one of the trees and knocking her unconscious.

   ' I don't want to kill her if I don't have to.  Now that she's unconscious, I'm not going to worry about it. '

Play the music now.

Your adrenaline started to slow down, and you could feel the pain in your body, and you were shaking from it.

   ' I need to find Josuke. Josuke wouldn't let Koichi or Okuyasu be killed. And they have each other's backs. I know they're alive. I need to find them. '

You had no idea where they could be, but you knew you had to try and find them. You stumbled out of the park and walked the road, looking everywhere for them or for someone you knew. But, you couldn't see anyone. Your body was getting weaker and weaker by the second, and you knew your body was reaching its limit. Finally, your body fell limp, and you were falling towards the ground. You could only watch and feel the ground make contact with your body. You flinched at the pain but let your body rest on the concrete. Scraps littered your skin, and your wounds continued to bleed.

   ' I'm going to die here. '

You flipped yourself on your back and glanced around your surroundings once more before turning your eyes towards the sky. The trees were slightly swaying with the wind, and you could see them in your gaze. Some of the leaves flew towards you.

   ' This doesn't seem like a bad place to die. '

The orange sky was beautiful to look at, and the trees were swaying, with the sunlight beaming through them, making them look even more enchanting. Your breathing started to slow, and your body felt numb. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes.

   ' I guess, there's no point to staying quiet anymore. Maybe Kira did turn someone else into a bomb, and I can speak. I'm dying anyway. . .so, why not go out in a bang? '

You took a lot of air into your lungs, and you knew after this, you wouldn't be able to live much longer. But you had to attempt it at least. You felt your back arch upward as you prepared.

   " Josuke!!! " You yelled, at the top of your lungs

When your yell died down, your back rested, flat against the concrete beneath you, and your vision became dizzy. You closed your eyes, feeling sick from the dizziness. You felt tired, and you felt sleep tempt you, and you willingly let it wrap around you and take you to sleep, with the sound of birds chirping above you.

You didn't blow up because Kira did turn something else into a bomb. He turned his 'sons' hair into a bomb as they fought in the bathroom, and Kira was prepared to blow him up and make it look like an accident. So, your body was still whole.

You laid on the concrete, slowly losing yourself, with gold dust rising from your body as it did with Shigechi. You were in peace.

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