World in Shambles

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I wasn't anything special, an average kid with a couple of friends going to a mundane school filled with the average tropes of the sporty kid with more friends than grades. The pretty girl who wouldn't even acknowledge me if I sprayed it on the school. And the mysterious clique who vanishes at the tip of a hat.

Normal in every way.

But since nothing good happens in my life one of my Imerian friends vanished, then all the Imerian kids vanished without a moment's notice.

The teacher began his usual lecture.

"Hey," I lean over to Michael, "You have a clue where Nilic got off too?"

Michael leans in. "I thought you'd've known, you know him better than me." The teacher looks over, so we straighten our posture.

"All the others too, all the Imerians." The teacher continues writing on the digital board. "Do you think something is going to happen?"

For context, Imerians are an alien species who look a lot like humans, identical actually. The only differences are that they are about two thousand years more advanced than us and can use 'Affinities' which is practically magic. Different Imerians have different affinities, which let them use specific powers like fire.

Also, the average Imerian height is shorter than a human.

We had a lesson about it since Imerian citizens have increased through the last century.

"Well, since they're all disappearing, it's got to be something significant." Michael pushes his glasses up.

And Michael was right. A radiation Imerian blew himself up and about 42,250 fatalities, and about 85,070 injuries, this news got global extremely fast. This attack was in the big city next door.

Countries started recording arson attacks, mass flooding, more detonation threats than ever. The scariest thing is that they don't need bombs, they are bombs. With the snap of their fingers, numerous city blocks can be reduced to cinder.

A second bombing in a different country took over 72,000 lives, over 106,000 injured.

The radiation these attacks leave as well makes it even worse. The world began to fear the threats even more.

The global governments tried desperately to stop the terrorist threats with negotiations, this didn't work. It really didn't.

The governments couldn't bomb the problem into oblivion since they didn't know where to aim them. and it took three more bombings in order to find the root cause.

And it was the thing everybody feared.

Once the discovery reached the news, every human covered their mouths at once. And everybody, even the atheists prayed for what they just heard to be a poorly timed April Fools joke.

A week later the newly formed Mars base went offline for the first time in 172 years, and another week later the International Space Station "Sprung a gas leak", but everybody knew that the Imerians were the cause.

The Earth shook as the ships began raining hell over cities, murdering civilians like pouring metal down an anthill. Militaries filled the streets as the humans fought back, forests reduced to nothing.

The human forces forced in residential doors and killed all Imerians who resisted and threatened all humans who dared to hide them like Jews in World War 2.

More time passed and the situation only grew worse as the Imerians took country over country, claiming all the land they could. The body counts were higher than people would have initially thought.

More cities reduced to nothing, more fields reduced to plains of despair.

My mother held me close as the Earth forces began marching through the streets with experimental weapons that probably don't work.

We needed everything we had to hold them off. The casualties were already too high, so many livings being dead, for what. The worse has yet to come.

Months later, the war was still waging, but a glimmer of hope formed. The battles slowed to a crawl after Imerian forces had taken over Australia and all of South America. All the remaining fighting was focused on Panama, Vietnam, and Japan.

The Imerians gave up on taking the UK after numerous failed attempts since we have developed sufficient Anti-Air weaponry.

Iceland fell, Cuba fell, New Zealand fell, the longer the fighting goes, the less hope there seems to be. Rumours began floating about how we haven't seen the Imerians secret weapon yet, and how it was like a Death Star, strong enough to wipe out planets.

This didn't help the critically low morale.

The meat supply began running low, so drafting began, if it can hold a gun, it can use a gun. Good thing I was too young.

Counting stars began counting missiles as humanity was all out of ideas.

We all began to think that maybe the Imerians are holding back.

News sprung up about how they took Greenland and Antarctica. And they've been creeping into northern Canada and Alaska. Russia began freaking out and pulled back its forces to focus on home-ground defence.

A massive wildfire crippled Africa as their forests disappeared over weeks, following the fire can waves of weapon-wielding Imerians and their aircrafts.

They took South Africa and didn't push deep into Canada.

It all looks bad; the world's morale was at an all-time low.

We'd given up, for the most part, the Imerians were simply too strong for us to fight against.

We began hearing more rumours about the mysterious superweapon, which is called 'Night Sky'. The government had a translator read the documents and some crucial stuff got leaked, like how he explained it to be a SuperCollider Satellite System.

The Last Flower on EarthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz