Chapter 4: The first departure

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They were just eating breakfast like normal, as an owl swooped to the window, Mr. Amakura went to it and took the letter, feeding the owl as "Kuraiko, this is for you", the father smiled and handed his first-born the letter. She looked at it as "MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER!", she jumped up and beamed with a bright face. "You're going to school! Oh finally", sighed the grandmother. "Grandma! You sound like you hate me" "No. Just I am old now, and you two have still this energy! I can't keep up with this" "Sweety, may I see your letter?", asked the mother "No! I haven't even read it myself!", she whined. "The supply list", stated Kei as "Oh...yes sure", she hummed and handed her mother the supply list, the father was bent over his wife, as Jessy looked with her sister at the letter. "Kura, is this the letter you awaited?" "Yes!", she beamed brightly. "Let's see...hmm Kuraiko, Jessy? Would you like to go with me?", smiled Kei at his daughters. "What? Really?", beamed both girls. "Kei.Not Jessy. We promised until she get her acceptance letter" "Aww", all three cooed at the mother. "No. A promise is a Promise" "Mom, please!" "Kuraiko, no", she hummed seriously while eyeing the three as a sigh escaped Jessy's mouth. "Ok", she stated. "Oho! A well-behaved child, I see", smiled the Grandmother. "Jessy...", her bigger sister looked at her. "It's ok! A promise is a promise! You can tell me after you come back", she smiled brightly as she was picked up. "OH, MY SWEET JESSY! I PROMISE I BRING YOU SOMETHING! SAY WHAT YOU WANT!", she was spun around by her father, who was sniffling and hugged tightly. "D-Dad!" "Oh let me! My sweet daughter is already so mature!" Jessy began to whine until Kei sat her down. "Ok! Tell me what you want, I get you" "mmmh...a new rune book" "A rune book?", everyone asked. "Yes. The others I am already through with them and when Kura goes away, I feel lonely otherwise " "hmm I look for something", he ruffled her hair and smiled.

Both stood by the fireplace and grabbed a hand full of floo powder. "I go first, Kuraiko", said Kei and stepped into the fireplace. "Diagon Alley", he spoke and let the floo powder go, disappearing in a bright green flame. "Take care, Kura", waved Jessy as Kura smiled at her "Diagon Alley", she spoke and also disappeared from their sight. "Ah how time flies", smiled Hedwig and began to whistle while going into the living room. "It feels weird", said Jessy suddenly as her mother looked at her. "What do you mean, sweety?" "It' so quiet and boring all of the sudden" "Aww, Jessy", her mother held her arms open as she saw the brimming tears in her youngest child, Jessy leaping into her mothers' arms, sniffling. "There there", she cooed softly. "Would you like to help me with the flowers?", the white-haired woman asked softly, her daughter raising her head towards her, nodding. "Perfect. Come", she said as both went to this gigantic greenhouse, filled with exotic plants and magical flowers. They went the little pathway along as Mrs. Amakura started to water the flowers. "Mom? Do you even have Human flowers here?" "Human flowers", she began to laugh at her child. "You mean non-magical?" "Yes", she nodded. "Of course. Flowers are all beautiful. I use them to decorate the house. "Ah, they are the...normal ones?" "Yes, these are the normal ones" "Mom? Can I make something for Kuraiko?" "Like what?" "Like a present that she knows I will always love her" She crouched down to her "What did you imagine?" "mmh something like a good-luck charm! Like a crystal with a flower inside or a potion with the fragrance of home when she misses us!" "A potion? sweety a potion might be a little difficult", stated her mother as Jessy puffed her cheeks out, brows narrowed and nose scrunched up. "When does Kura leave?" "On the 1st September" "Already?! I must think of something then! Mom! I must go look!", she said loudly and dashed back inside, the stairs up and to the white door, going inside her room, and straight to the bookshelf. "Runes...potions...broomsticks", she whined and looked through every book she had but no luck. So she went down into the library and looked through the endless books they had. "", she huffed and plopped into an armrest chair, sighing. "What got you sighing, pumpkin?" Hedwig came in with a delicate smile. "I wanted to give Kura a good luck charm or something that reminds her of home when she is in going to school" "Ah! I see...hmm my mother once gave me a crystal ball with magic inside, pictures of my old home, when I felt lonely", she sat down next to her as Jessy looked with wide eyes at her grandmother. "Uh! Do you still have it?!" "No! The old idiotic griffin smashed it when he came home drunk!" "Oh no" "OH YES! The crystal ball I could fix but not the magic inside, since it was her memories" "Do you believe...I could create this for Kura?" "What? The crystal ball?" She nodded eagerly at her grandmother. "Of course, dearie. But we need to go into town first for a new crystal ball...mine I gave away" "I see...ok when?" "How about tomorrow?" "Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!", Jessy hugged Hedwig grateful and sprinted away to her mother, who was in the greenhouse, mixing ingredients. "Mom!" "Jessy~ and sweety, found something?" Jessy hopped onto the empty chair, her hands down on the table, and flashed a bright smile. "Yes! Grandma told me about a way to make a crystal ball with memories" "Oh that is nice~" "But we need to go into town to get one" "And when would you like to go?" "Tomorrow, if that is ok?" "Of course", she smiled warmly at her daughter, caressing her hair gently and carefully. "Would you like to include some dried flowers for her to relax?" "That we can do?" "Sure we can!" "But keep it a secret from Kura" "My lips are sealed", both giggled as they heard a rough sizzling sound, closely followed by another as they went to the living room "Dad! Kura!" Jessy jumped off and dashed to the fireplace, seeing her Father and sister with endless bags. "You're back!", she shined with glee, as Kei leaned down and she dashed past him to Kuraiko, who hugged her happily. "My flesh and blood hate me...Honey" Rei entered the living room with a chuckle, her hand over her mouth when she saw her husband looking so broken. "How was it?" "Big! And full of witches and wizards" Jessy gleamed brightly at her sister. "Kuraiko, first get your things up" "Ok Mama", the silver-haired girl smiled as "Let me help", Jessy held her hands out and helped her sister bring her stuff into the room. It was a big room, with a black bed and red sheets and white pillows. The walls were white and the rest was more in a red and black color scheme, and above her bed were posters of the Ballycastle Bats Quidditch team, as well as the Englands National Team. "Show me what you got", smiled Jessy and landed onto her sisters' bed, sitting there crossed-legged. "Ok ok. I got my uniform", she hummed and pulled the things out. "All black?", Jessy asked confused, tilting her head to one side. "Papa said, once we came into one of the 4 houses, the colors will change to their ones" "Then red for you. Perfect for eyes... is there red?" "Yes. That would be Gryffindor! For those of brave heart" "Hello?! Perfect! I mean Big sis protector right here", she stated, making Kura laugh as she lay it down. "Oh! Yes. I got my wand" "May I see?" "no touching", her sister raised her finger. "Promise", stated Jessy with a humming voice. Sitting next to her, Kuraiko pulled the long package out and opened it, making her sister gasp. It was a dark wand, almost black with a red wool grip, the texture was smooth, despite it looking so rough and cold. "It is...ebony wood with a dragon heartstring" "This looks so different than mama's" "Right?! Mama looks so feminine and pretty" "What looks Feminine and pretty?", asked Kei as he brought Kuraikos's trunk into the room, a red oak color. "Mama's wand. Kuras looks so rough and dark...what about yours Papa?", asked Jessy and went to her father, as he bend to her. "You guys want to see my wand?" "Yes!", Kuraiko joined in as he laughed and pulled his wand out. It was a tad bit brighter than her sister, as Jessy inspected the wand. The handle was slightly curved, looking like a birk from a tree, red linings craved into it, making it look like fire. The tip was neat and polished, smooth to the touch. "Yours looks so much better, Papa", whined Kura, making him laugh. "This isn't about looks, Kura. It's about the fittings for wand and wizard. The wand choose the wizard" "That is exactly what the men told me!", she pointed out, as Kei ruffled her hair. "What is your core?" "Dragon Heartstring" "Just like the rest..." "What do you mean?", both girls asked. "Well, I don't know why, but every wand in this family that was ever purchased was a Dragon Heartstring wand" "haha! We are deadly!", smirked Kuraiko and crossed her arms proudly. "Whats mama's wood?", asked Jessy, swinging back and forth on her heel. "Vinewood" "Now that's creatine", stated Kuraiko. "Flowers and mama Herb..." "Herbologist?" "Yeah, that?" Kei laughed. "Oh, no-no. But she has a hand for herbs and plants. She is...well I call it potion Master" Both girls crooked their heads. "Well, you know how Mama is gone in 2 times a week?" "Yes" "Well, she makes Potions to help others. Back in school, she was the best of our year" "She was?", asked Kuraiko. "Yes. And in Herbology, also" "And you Papa?" "I was good in DADA" "Please what?" "Defense Against Dark Arts", he smiled and both girls nodded. "Well, at flying I was Ace...let me think", he rested his finger onto his lips. "I guess I was also ok with Charms" "Really?" "I believe so, yes", he smiled and stood up. "Well! Now Kuraiko, store your stuff away, and no magic. You hear me" "Yes, Papa" "Outside of school is forbidden to use magic under 17" "Ok, Papa" "Good", he ruffled her hair "Then I go...the cupcakes are awaiting me", he smirked and dashed away, both girls gasped and dashed behind him.

Hogwarts Hearts Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon