shit went down (pt.8)

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I saw Charlene on the ground I had no choice I had to do it I shot Kelly on her chest area.

I called for an ambulance and more backup I held Charlene's arm on the way they put an NPA on her mouth for oxygen.I held her hand the whole way there. She was immediately put into urgent care I saw paramedics rush.Fuller heard about everything.

Doug and Judy came and they asked me what happened I had to explain everything and I was shaking the whole time.Judy and Doug would've never expected that Fuller's daughter could be a violent dealer.

Kelly was put in a different part of the ER and was in a coma for days.Charlene woke up and she came out of her room and saw me in the waiting room.She had an IV installed in her arm and said "I missed you guys".Harry and fuller showed up together.

Fuller was silent most of the time and just couldn't believe that I shot his daughter and that Kelly was in a coma. Captain immediately hugged Charlene and asked if she was okay and everything.

It turns out that there was a missing gun at jump street and Kelly stole it to shoot Charlene and the other cop. The other cop (Steve) was alright and was checked out of the hospital real soon.

A few days later we found out Kelly couldn't make it and she... sadly passed away I felt so bad for Fuller I killed his little girl.It's like a part of him wants to blame me but he know it wasn't my fault.It could've ended real badly if I didn't shoot Kelly. Kelly's funeral was the next week everybody showed up but Charlene.

Fuller tried not to cry but he couldn't help it Harry and Judy was there to help him.And on top of Kelly's casket was a picture of her she was smiling it was a picture when she was 15 she looked so innocent and so bright.

Charlene missed two weeks of school and was transferred to a psych ward where she would cry everyday and blame herself for telling anybody her baby sister was the Hawkins dealer.

I visited her once she couldn't bring herself to talk to me she just kept on repeating "It's my fault my sister is gone it will forever be my fault".While weeping Fuller missed a lot of work after that it's like we didn't have a captain.

Spring time rolled around and Charlene went back to school to finish her senior year up.Fuller came back to work. Charlene was cold and distant she talked to me and came to
My apartment one day we talked. And said "I think I want to become a cop you know to protect people,I don't know maybe I might join jump street one day".she said that while shedding a tear and I pulled her in for a hug and patted her hair.

I heard that LONG HILL and the HAWKINS game was out off since the boys were using drugs and several of them got arrested and caught.

May time came Charlene graduated I went to her graduation and bought her a bouquet she kissed me on my cheek and her red lipstick stained my cheek. I was so proud of her she was going to Columbia and had a bright future ahead of her.

I would send her letters but she never responded to them and hasn't talked to me for a year I don't know what was going but I got worried.

1 year turned to 2 years,2 years turned into 3 years and I heard she graduated college early but I didn't hear from her in a while.I wondered what was going on.

I missed her


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