
 The group used Oogie to fly to downtown Republic City. They landed in a deserted street and dismounted, El sliding down the bison's tail with Bo. 

"The truck with Bolin and El took off down this alley" Mako pointed down a road and the group jogged to the next intersection. 

"Which way?" Asami asked as they stopped 

"Hmm. This way kinda smells familiar" Bolin sniffed the air, pointing down one of the roads. 

Lin metalbent the sole of her shoe back, using seismic sense to search around the area. 

"There's a tunnel nearby" She declared and set off with the others following her down an embankment. 

"There!" Elira pointed at a large tunnel entrance with a metal gate. 

Lin walked up to it and inspected the snowy ground around it. "Motorcycle tracks."

"Korra has to be in there ... somewhere," Mako muttered 

Lin metalbent the gate open and the group headed in. It was dark so Mako used his firebending to light the way.

They soon came to an intersection of tunnels going in all different directions. 

"Let's try this way." Mako pointed down one of the tunnels 

"And what if Korra's not down there?" Asami asked 

"Then we pick another tunnel until we find her!" Mako snapped and walked off 

Elira frowned when she saw the hurt expression on Asami's face. She placed her hand on her shoulder "I'll talk to him" 

The group headed down the tunnel and El sped up until she was walking next to Mako. She hit him in the arm making him jump. 

"Ow! What was that for?" 

"Why are you snapping at Asami?" She crossed her arms in question 

Mako looked down "I didn't mean to snap, I'm just worried about Korra" 

"We're all worried about Korra. But don't take your frustrations out on Asami. She's done nothing wrong" Elira scolded 

"Alright, I'm sorry" Mako sighed

"Don't apologise to me. I'm not the one you snapped at" Elira hit his arm again 

"Hey! Would you stop that? You know that's not very airbender like" He teased 

Elira poked her tongue out at him childishly but froze when the screeching of motorcycles filled the tunnel. 

"Hide!" Lin hissed 

They all promptly ducked behind a pillar as two Equalist motorcycles approached. A secret door in the opposite wall of the tunnel suddenly opened and the two motorcycles raced inside with the door promptly closing behind them. 

As soon as they were gone, Lin crossed the tunnel, followed by the others. She ran her hand across the door before using metalbending to trigger the opening mechanism and force the door up. The group rushed in and the door closed behind them. 


Heading down the tunnel, they found a large open space, where Equalists were loading supplies onto tram carts on tracks that led into various tunnels.  An Equalist with a clipboard was directing the loading and traffic.

"That tram goes to the training camp" The tram disappeared down a tunnel and the Equalist walked over to another one that had just arrived. 

"Everything was delivered to the prison, sir." A female Equalist climbed off

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