creating the character

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To his bed at the hotel, type sat criss cross to eye the picture of his bosses son he was able to get from a hacker friend to then mine his head to the side to eat the rest of his food to then really look over this guy.
I am older then this kid, have slightly longer hair, taller, a bit lengthy.... But is this your type?
I think going in has a regular intern you are just going to gloss me over, maybe if I show interest.....or maybe if I ignore Which way do you usually go with this? Do you like to be ignored or sought after?
Type then leaned back to then take his cigarette from the tray to place through his fingers to then inhale, to then grab a picture of Mr. Tyme, to look him over.
I believe I should be able to take you down.....
Placing the cigarette back, type then grabbed his phone to place to his ear to call the bosses son.
"Hello?" He croaked.
"Hi, you do not know me but I work with your father I need to talk to you."
They signed into the phone.
"I really rather not."
"Well, if you don't I could wind up dead so...."
"Ugh.... Why would you wind up that way?"
"I'm going to be.... Working for mr. Tyme."
Type darted his eyes has silence was going between them.
"I really need to know a bit about him I can't read about."
"All I can say is stay away from him. I got to go."
"Wait. Um.... Did you two...."
Type clicked his tongue.
The boy signed.
"That is none of your business."
"Mm.... So you two did fuck?"
"Oh god! I'm hanging up."
Type then sat up.
"Wait, please tell me. Did he seduce you or did you...."
"Ugh I did! Look, some things happened and he apparently got bored then fired me! Just leave me the fuck out of this!"
"Did you ignore him or...."
"Ugh! I went after him! Why are you asking me these questions?"
Type smirked.
To better know my pry. I believe this is going to be the way to get close to him.
"Just wanting to know more about him."
"All I am really going to say to you is, stay away from him sexually. But be for warned, he loves to mess with people he takes an interest in. It's not a long interest and he will chew you up and spit you out."
"How do you become a person of interest?"
They signed heavily in the phone.
"Please. Just leave him alone. Nothing ever good Comes from getting close."
"So.... Ignore him?"
"If he finds you interesting, just run! Now Good bye!"
Type darted his eyes to then place his phone down to then slowly look up to grab up his cigarette to then take in a long drawn to then wrap his arm about himself.
So..... He has to find you interesting.
Type then looked down to his watch that started to go off.
He rolled his eyes to then get up to place the cigarette, to the tray to then get up to go to the bathroom.
Turning off his watch, he then went to the pill bottle to then wrap his hand to it to make a face.
He then peered his eyes up to dart them about the mirror to remember when he was a bit late taking these.
Shaking his head he then took one, to then turn to look forward, he remembered shaking and wanting....
Type took in a very deep breathe to then go back to the bed to sit criss cross to grab his cigarette to then inhale the rest to then stomp it out to then shake his head has he looked over pictures in the folder that were everywhere.
He then placed his hands to his eyes to then flop back to then rub.
I need to clear my head.
Type then moved his hands away to then turn his head to eye his phone to the side table to then grab it to then place before himself, to then place on a porn, with a man and woman to then take his free hand down to withdraw his member to start to stroke to grit his teeth has he only got semi hard has always.
A bit later, type stroked quicker to make a face has he breathed heavily.
Come on..... Come on.....I know I can.....
Type then tense to slightly cum to then look towards the ceiling to breathe in deep.
Fuck! I hate this! My body was made to be..... But I'm not!
Type signed to then place the phone down to then get up to go to the bathroom to then place his hands under the facet to then wash off a bit of his cum, to then turn off the water to place his hands to the counter to look down to sign and heavily.
I hate this! Fucking despise this! I'd rather have be aborted due to financial hard ship this be here to be this fucking freak! I can't have a normal life! Always have to be on my own and hide this stupid secret!
Type then slowly looked up to gulp.
I really just want to be normal.
Want to marry a woman, have children and..... Just be what every other person can be, but I can't!
Type hung his head to then take in a deep breathe.
He then brought his hands to his neck to rub to then eye himself in the mirror.
"You are..... Type vena, your a late intern who wants to know more about this company with your brother. You have to grow close to this Mr. Tyme to take him down has quickly has possible. He is a openly gay and needs to find you interesting. Wish I knew how to do that."
Type flexed his jaw to then close his eyes.
"I wish life could be this simple. Just become a whole different person."
Type grimaced to then turn to go back to the bed to sit to get more fully into his new character.

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