Pyro and the Two Council Agents

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Running outside we barely had time to dodge a flying rock heading towards us as a float set on fire made it's way down the streets along with a few others. Hysterical laughter was then heard as people struggled to put out the floats and evacuate.

Turning towards it's source I saw the group of men from earlier being lead by a man setting things a flame as he laughed with pleasure. Looking down I let out a breath of relief as Ella was still sound asleep, never have I been more thankful for her sleeping habits.

"Eden," quickly ripping my gaze from Ella I saw Orion had taken a battle stance in front of us.

"Get Ella to safety I'll handle these guys, you help the towns folk."

"Are you sure you can do this?" I asked with uncertainty.

"Just go I got this." Giving a unsure nod I ran back into the hotel where people were heading into the safe room, jogging up to the owner I asked him to look over Ella which he quickly agreed to bidding me good luck.

"What's going on around here Eden?" A sleepy Vesta asks popping out the hood of my coat, the grogginess of sleep quickly wearing off.

"No time to explain we have to go help Orion."

The situation had only worsened when I ran back outside as we saw Orion get sent flying past me into a building leaving a large crater in it's wake. In a flash he was being suspended in the air by the throat as he was pushed against the wall, a loud groan leaving his lips as the man from earlier held him.

"Orion!" No response but I did manage to get the other mans attention along with his companions who quickly shrieked and backed away screaming my nickname in terror.

"So you're the behemoth everyone's talking about, funny I was picturing a guy not that it matters really." His smirk growing as he released Orion and made his way towards me.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Stopping about 30 feet in front of me he scanned me over, a weird emotion flickered over his eyes until I saw him physically shake his head.

"The names Pyro, the great fire dragon slayer." Dragon slayer? Turning slightly to Vesta I saw a look of disbelief as she looked at the man.

"Why are you here?" I repeated not really caring for that part of information, only for him to respond with a laugh.

"Why you ask, well that's quite simple really. You see when you're as strong as I am you tend easily dominate your opponents and as fun as it was at first I've grown rather tired of it. So when I hear of these so-called strong mages I tend to challenge them only for them to be just as useless as the others." He said laughing it off as if he said was the most casual thing in the world to say, it sickened me.

"So when I heard these whining weaklings come crying about the legendary Twin Axe Wielding Behemoth I just couldn't pass up the opportunity." His fists began to grow with flames quickly spreading throughout his entire body as a deranged look came across his face.

Vesta was calm as she got back into my hoodie, but I could tell that she was excited by what was going to transpire soon.

"I'll offer you the same deal I offered the other frauds, if you win I'll give you my life, but if I win you have to offer me yours, not that you have much choice." This guy must be really confident if he's willing to bet his life on this and frantically I found it all the more exciting.

"Alright I accept your challenge but I should warn you I'm not holding back." A surge of excitement and confident came through me as the words came out taking out Al and Mina, without realizing it a cocky smirk made it's way on my face.

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