Chapter 1

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Erwin Smith.

That was the name of my previous lover. When I first met him, I thought he was charming, kind and above all, sweet. Oh boy, wasn't I wrong. As soon as we started dating, he wanted me to come over frequently everyday. I guess I didn't realize all the looks he gave me when we cuddled on the couch, or when I made breakfast for him in my black apron-yes, I had a fucking apron. What are you going to do about it?-if I had stayed over the previous night. I wish I had though, because then I wouldn't of had to suffer through everything that happened during the relationship we had.

Our relationship had ended after eight years. The only reason I was able to get out of that mess was because my cousin, Mikasa, had called the police on him. He was arrested for abuse, underage intimacy, and murder. Apparently, the police had been after Smith for quite a long time. He had murdered a German family and only the son survived. A shame really.

Erwin Anderson Smith was put away for more than 10 years after what he did to me, plus the family he murdered with the teenager that survived. The teen moved in with his best friend and his best friend's grandfather. After Mikasa found out, she nearly had a heart attack. The German teen was apparently her crush since her junior year in high school. Now, she was in college with that same teenager and his friend. If he has a crush on her and breaks her heart, I will murder him.

But, after the incident involving Erwin, I decided to move to America, where my mother was living in a cottage in the country-side. I lived with her for quite a few years and we had some fun times together. I helped her bake for the holidays when relatives and neighbors would come over. I helped her clean around the house. I even surprised her a few times when I cooked her dinner when she went out into the garden or to the market to get fresh supplies for cooking meals. However, my mother neglected to tell me one thing;she had AIDS.

I found out a week before her death. She had collapsed and I had rushed her to the hospital where I was told of her condition. Nonetheless, a week later she had passed and her last words to me were plain and simple. Of course I would tell my own mother about the incident with Erwin in France. What kind of son would I be if I didn't? But, she told me something that I would never forget.

Find someone who will take care of you and be there when you're sick. When you're down and lonely. Even when you feel loved, make sure he knows that he has to be there for you, because that mood could easily change. I hope you find someone who will make your heart flutter with happiness. Find someone who will always be there. Levi, take care.

Then, I arranged her funeral with the help of Mikasa. Mikasa and I each wrote an ology for my mother but, even if Mikasa wasn't my sister, she was still like a daughter to my mother when we were young. Although she doesn't said it outloud, Mikasa probably wanted to see my mother before her death. I feel bad that she didn't get to either. My mother was an incredible woman and she inspired many people. I can't even count them all.

Even though my mother had died at an early age, I still wouldn't forget her presence. But, my mother's words still rang like a bell in my ear everytime I saw an attractive man or guy. She didn't say anything about attractive Levi, I had to remind myself almost everytime. The main thing I probably looked for when I went man-hunting was a bright smile, but then again, I ended up with Erwin because of that. The second thing I looked for was happy personality. Once again, Erwin came to mind.

Then I decided to look for something no one would probably look for in a man-woman or not-;a bratty attitude, or what I would classify as bratty. I don't think anyone would want to particularly look for a guy with a bratty attitude. Now, I didn't say jackass or an asshole attitude. I said bratty because he may come off bratty but he might be completely different when the time comes for him to be completely mature about something or if he becomes a person that I can depend on, like my mother said. My mother always saw me as fragile and petite. But after the incident with Erwin, I started going to the gym and defining my body, as well as gaining muscles.

Now, I wasn't a body builder but, I was pretty damn close. To those in my family who weren't body builders but very defined and dedicated to their muscle development, they showed complete sympathy for me. Especially Mikasa. She was still trying to impress her crush but she told me it didn't seem to be working. I suggested that he might be gay;she went into denial. When I suggested he might be bisexual, she calmed down considerably;as if almost worried that I would steal him away.



Okay. So, that's the first chapter and BAM, most of the plot is out -smiles sheepishly- sorry that I made Erwin the bad guy. Also, Erwin's middle name isn't Anderson;made up. I was thinking of Captain America and The Matrix combined so, Erwin Anderson Smith appeared. Well, I hoped you liked it and I REALLY hope you guys want more after I publish a few more chapters because I am going to have A LOT of fun writing this. In fact, @mindfogger might help me write some of it;basically ideas

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