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To the people in discord I promised this would be fluff,  I am sorry for I may have lied, this is also VERY long,  one of the longest chapters actually!  :>>

(I specifically apologize to End and Bee :>)

Ps: I was writing while in the car,  so sorry if it's kinda scuffed :'
Mentions of Blood
Mentions of Last life
Mentions of Empires
Additional Ship/Characters:
The Southerners
Magical Mountain Settlers
word count: 2730
Grian knew consequences would come,  he just didn't what kind,  and he didn't think it would come back to bite him so early as well... That mistake was on him...

And that leaves him to where he is today,  but let's go back to where it all started...

Grian sat tiredly on the sideline of the deepslate walkway in his alley,  blocks set aside as he was sweating from constantly working. He was really happy with his base so far and was focusing on a few little touches before he continues.

He felt strangely off today as if he had forgotten something,  he didn't know what and he felt as it would endanger him so much. He knows he didn't forget about the Boatem meeting cause that was already finished just a few hours ago...

He did fall into the void because Impulse and him had knocked each other in when their minecarts had accidentally hit one another.

Did he forget something because he fell? If he did,  then maybe it wasn't important?  But then why is he stressing like he's gonna die and lose something

He shook his head as he felt it was nothing,  "Hey G! " He heared a cheery voice behind him,  walking towards him from the shadows is Ex...

"oh hey Ex,  what are you doing here? " Asked Grian,  with a smile... Ex sat down beside him as he replied "Came to see you,  Hels is hiding somewhere.. " He chuckled. 

"Helsie come out.. " Grian said simply,  as swooping in came Hels But not in a smooth landing as he came practically crashing into the stone...

"Why are demon wings harder to control dammit--"

"You okay Buddy? " Asked Ex,  helping up the demon from his failed landing.
"I'm fine... Sorry about your floor Grian.. " Wincing lightly,  as he cleaned off the diet off his face.

"It's fine... By the way,  where did you come from?" Grian asked,  not really wanting to question why or he landed face to face to the ground.

"Somewhere you don't need to know.. " Hels giggled,  as his eye twitched lightly.  "Okay?  Anyway,  since you guys are here.. What do you wanna do? " Grian asked,  turning around to go to the small pile of items he left to grab his pickaxe.

Whilst turned around,  Hels' face shifted into a serious frown as he glared at Ex, mouthing the words "Hurry up! ", Ex looked at him as he rolled his eyes...

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