03.|| Hello Brother

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"What the –"

Tyler muttered under his breath. Caroline and Bonnie exchanged a scared glance before looking back at me. My giggling stopped and I wiped the tears out of my eyes.

"Oh god sorry, I just couldn't take myself serious. Now I'm ready start again!"

They looked at me as I was a sociopath, which I kinda was, but that phase was years ago. I had changed, a lot.

"What are you?"

Caroline hissed. Rolling my eyes I emptied the grill so that it was just us and Matt. I got back to our table, grinned at Caroline and took a sip of Tylers drink. "I am a vampire." Bonnie pushed Tyler aside and clenched her jaw in front of me. "Did you drink from my boyfriend?"
Oh. Boyfriend? Intresting. I put on a sad expression and laid my hand on my chest as I was deeply hurt by what she just said.

"Bonnie Bennett, that's a serious accusation!"

Caroline ripped out the leg of a chair and pressed me against a wall in vamp-speed.
She put the tip of the stake on my chest and stared at me with anger burning in her eyes.

"Yeah I totally get why Klaus likes you."

I giggled and caught her off guard with that information, so I quickly switched positions. Within a second she was the one pressed against the wall with a stake on her chest.

"You know Klaus?!"

Tylers voice got on my nerves so I rolled my eyes. "Yea, great guy, right?" I answered and grinned at Caroline. She just swallowed the shame down. I liked intimidating people.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain crossing my head and turned quickly to Bonnie. I tried fighting against her magic and spoke my own spell to incapacitate her. She fell onto her knees and her charm lost its effect.

"What the hell?"

I heard from Elena. Just like everyone else, she was irritated by the fact that I was a combination of vampire and witch.

"Never seen a heretic before?"

I let go of Bonnie and made my way to the bar to grab a bottle of Bourbon. Matt stepped away, letting me do what I wanted to.
"You can't be both.."
Caroline whispered and took the stake out of her chest.

With a big sip from the Bourbon I nodded.
"Actually Caroline.." I smiled a her and said "motus."  to lock her up in circle of chairs and tables.
"I can." I shrugged my shoulders in amusement.

The door swung open and a Salvatore stood in front of me, but sadly the wrong one.
I was looking for the older guy. The bad guy. Stefan looked at me with furrowed brows and then studied his friends, which were either full of fear or had no power to defend themselves.

"Who are you?"

The good Salvatore brother asked me as he carefully walked up to me. I smirked at him and just as I wanted to answer hus question, two more men came in.

I raised my hand and waved at them with a devilish smirk on my lips.

"Hello brother."

Everyones head shot to Damon within a millisecond, but I didn't mean him,
That would've been very inappropriate, because of our past.

"Guys, may I introduce to you.."

He looked me deadly in the eyes, before continuing his sentence.

"Layla Odessa St. John, my little sister.."

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