"Sorry, I didn't sleep last night. I'd have used the gym in our building, but they don't have weights that are super soldier approved." Steve shared a commiserating look with him as he settled on the now empty weight bench. The Avengers gym was the only place where they could get any kind of decent workout equipment that could give them even a little bit of the real thing. When you could lift cars that weighed tons the standard gym equipment wasn't going to cut it.

"Nightmares again?" Sam asked coming over to take the tape once Bucky was done with it. The other man shook his head as he got into position in front of the heavy bag.

"I would have had to actually fall asleep to be able to have one. Just couldn't get my mind to quiet down." Throwing a punch Buck worked himself up to a good sequence of combinations. Right, left. Right, right, left, right. Coming over to hold the bag Sam nodded, "I get that. Happens to me too sometimes."

For a while they worked out in mostly comfortable silence until more people came in. Having been at it since just after 6 AM Bucky called it for the day. He didn't want Alpine to get stepped on and he needed a shower. Asking the guys to watch her and if he could use Steve's room to shower. "Sure thing, Cyborg. Let's get this little lady some water. Did you bring any food for her?"

Thanking them he said, "Yeah, in her bag. I'll meet you guys in the living room in twenty minutes." Handing over her bag he grabbed his gym bag after tossing the used hand wraps in the trash. They took the elevator together going their separate ways in the kitchen area.

Making quick work of his shower Bucky dried off and got dressed hurrying back to his girl. Striding into the living room he stopped, chuckling at the sight of not only Steve and Sam playing with the kitten but Vision tickling her tummy as he cooed at her. Catching his eye the other two men tap out to go get cleaned up as Natasha and Wanda come in. The younger woman sat down next to her boyfriend. "Is this the kitten Jamie had Tony get you?

At the mention of her his smile faded a little before he caught himself. "Yeah, this is Alpine."

At the sound of him saying her name with a lighter tone than usual her blue eyes shifted towards him as if she was checking that he was okay. Briefly scratching behind Alpine's ears Natasha sat down next to him. "Hey buck up. Jamie will be back by the end of next weekend."

Panic filled him at her declaration causing him to sit up straight. Jamie had left and hadn't said anything to him. Steve hadn't said anything so that meant that he must not know she'd taken off either. "What? What do you mean she'll be back, where did she go?"

Furrowing her eyebrows Natasha assessed his interesting reaction before answering. Seeing more than he wanted she gave him a small smile.

"Jamie took a last minute job back home in Portland, Oregon. After what happened last night she just needs some space to think. She also wanted to catch up with some friends and family that still live there." Searching his mind he tried to remember if Jamie had left a note telling him that she was leaving, but he didn't remember seeing anything anywhere. Reaching a hand out she set it on the cushion between them. "She didn't mean anything by just leaving. You gotta remember, Jamie hasn't had to answer to anyone for a long time and from what I know of her she didn't answer to anyone before I met her."

Huffing out a little laugh Bucky let a half grin briefly cross his face. That was an understatement if he ever heard one. Jamie Dorsey was a headstrong individual who seemed sure of everything she did. He understood that the last few years had been hard on her, but she hadn't let that stop her from living even if it felt like a half life. "When you talked to her did she sound okay?" What he really wanted to ask was, did she mention me at all?

Knowing that he meant the redhead gave him a stoic expression as she took her hand back to set it on her lap. "You mean did she mention the way you shut her out and wonder why? Yes, yes she did. Jamie seems tough. And she is, don't get me wrong, but when you've been collected into her coveted inner circle she loves you fast and hard. You understand what I mean?"

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