7. Dragon's Plan

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Shanks POV:

Dragon has an idea? He has the attention of all of us. "What kind of idea?" I ask seriously. "We still have revolutionaries in Impel Down. There's a chance we can get her out of there if she's still alive." Dragon says. Immediately there is again an oppressive mood in the room. 'When she's still alive' nobody likes to hear that. She is alive! Definite! She must! Anna is a fighter!
"How are we going to do this Dragon-San? Our comrades can't just walk out of it!" says Sabo seriously. The young guy is really smart. He is still young and reminds me of Luffy, but he also thinks. "Ivankov." Dragon now says, looking at the one addressed. "There would be a possibility, but it is not certain whether she will survive it. If she is still alive that is." he says now. "God damn it! Don't beat around the bush forever! Speak clear text! What's the plan?! What does it look like?!" asks Crocodile angrily. Unfortunately, I have to agree with him."We have our 'base' between level 5 and level 6 there is also a kind of 'secret passage' with flap. The only thing is... this secret passage leads directly into the sea. Then we would need Hack's help. He would wait for her on the outside until our comrades took her there from inside. Then he receives her and brings her to us." Ivankov tells us.
"Isn't that very risky due to the water pressure?" Tobias now points out. "Yes, it can be risky, but I can take a small device with me, which allows me to create an air bubble around her, then the pressure does not matter so much to her." So he's called Hack. "Then the only question is whether she is alive or not." says the calm voice of the man with the orange and white hair. "It's easy to get that out." says Dragon and pulls out another den den mushi. He dials a number. Shortly thereafter, a man's voice can be heard. Dragon gives instructions and then there is silence.
"Dragon!" says Crocodile. "What is it Crocodile?" asks Dragon with a calmness, as if none of this concerns him. "I want to be there!" says Crocodile all at once. "Why?" asks Dragon simply. "She doesn't know any of you. Accordingly, she does not trust any of you. She knows me, we have spent long enough in a cell. Also, I doubt she wants her crew members to see her in her current starte." Crocodile now says. A silence spreads again. I know he's right, but I don't want to wait! Anna belongs to us. "I'll put it another way: I'm there whether you want to or not!" adds Crocodile after a while. Dragon looks at Ivankov. He nods and so Dragon takes the word again: "All right." suddenly you hear noises from the other transponder snail. "Sir?" says a male voice. "And?" Dragon just asks. "The desired person from level 6, known as Anna, is still alive." says the voice. Immediately you can hear the relieved exhalation from my crew and me. But Ivankov and Crocodile also exhaled with relief. "However, things are not going well for them..." the voice continues. What does that mean, it's not good for them?! Immediately all the eyes of those present darken. "What do you mean?" Dragon asks his subordinate menacingly. You can hear the voice swallowing clearly. I don't want to be in his shoes right now. "The woman loses consciousness again and again. She was interrogated again today and since then she has lost a lot of blood and keeps losing consciousness." says the voice. No! That must not be the case! Nothing can happen to Anna!! "With whom was she interrogated?" asks Dragon. "Sadi." the voice immediately answers the question. Sadi? Who is that supposed to be? "Oh no.." it comes from Ivankov. You can clearly see that he is worried. "Shit! Get them out of the cell right away! She definitely won't survive another interrogation! Then we can only get her body out of there!" shouts Crocodile from the den den mushi.

"Who is Sadi?" asks Ben now. He asks exactly what we all want to know. "Sadi is one of the main keepers in Impel Down. She is very sadistic and loves to hear the screams of her victims. That literally excites her. She also attacks navy soldiers. She doesn't care who her victims are the main thing she hears her victims screaming. However, Sadi was probably very brutal to this Anna woman. Anna probably didn't scream and that provoked Sadi even more. As a result, she was more brutal towards Anna than other inmates..." explains the male voice. Immediately there is an oppressive mood again. "Get her out of the cell, no matter how. Take care of their wounds and take care of them until we get there." Dragon gives the orders. "Yes!" says the voice and this conversation is over. "Crocodile! Get ready! Tomorrow we will send a ship to you, which will pick you up. In 4 days at the latest, we'll get the woman out of Impel Down." says Dragon. "Good. Woe betide you don't stick to your word Dragon!" Crocodile warns him and also ends this conversation. I just wanted to raise the word, then Dragon interrupts me already: "You will not be there Redhair Pirates." - "Why?!" it comes immediately upset by Ben. "Quite simply: Crocodile is right. No one really knows what state the woman is in! We will first take her to our base and get her back to health if possible! As soon as you feel better or there is news, we will inform you!" Dragon tells us seriously. "I absolutely disagree with that.... But I get it... We have no other option for the time being. Nevertheless, I ask you for something." I say. Dragon's gaze says something like I should keep talking, so I do that: "No matter what her condition is, whether it improves or worsens! Let us know! Please at regular intervals! She is like a member of the family for us!"
It's quiet for a long time, but then Dragon takes the floor: "All right. This can be set up. We'll give you okay when you can come by." Immediately we all nod. Dragon gives us a den den mushi under which he can reach us. Then we go out with them. All my crew members are tense. We say goodbye to Dragon and the other revolutionaries and watch as their little ship moves further and further away.

"What came out?" asks Mouth hesitantly. Yasopp explains everything to him and the crew.
Lou is silent. Tobias is also silent and has gone towards the kitchen, he tries to distract himself. Ben and I stand at the railing and look out to sea. "She lives Shanks.. Anna is alive." Ben says quietly to me. I look at him and see tears in his eyes. "Yes Ben. Anna is alive and we will bring her back to us!" I say confidently. I even sound more confident than I feel. It scares me that there is a possibility that she won't survive this...

 It scares me that there is a possibility that she won't survive this

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That is Sadi.

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