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Seris POV

I felt as a hole inside me was filled back up as I stared at Grey, a smile formed as I rested my hands cupping his cheeks. It felt pleasant and warming something I rarely feel ever since my vritra bloodline awakening, I felt at peace. I was about to pulls back my hand before he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him making me land on top of him. My face was hot but when I wanted to glare at him he was asleep. I couldn't escape his hold as his hands tighten around my waist.

I was getting nervous by each passing second as his breath landed on my head and his hand constantly moving causing me to be conscious of our position and his calm heart beat and it didn't help when I turned to see him to see his calm and peaceful sleeping face. Almost an hour had passed and I felt myself slowly getting sleepy as I slowly drifted to sleep my head resting on his chest.

It was a good sleep no nightmares of my torture no dreams just warmth and comfort. I woke up to the morning light that slipped through the curtains of the window. I let out a yawn and realized I couldn't move and I realize something was on the crook of my neck it was Grey's face buried there His breath hitting my neck. My face immediately heat up but I liked it, it didn't bother me. He was hugging me from behind and his hold as firm and strong as ever.

As time passed by I only felt peace and comfort by his presence it was the two things I've never felt after I was taken. I savored this moment hoping to stay like this forever if possible, but it seems every good thing must come to an end when I heard Grey groan he moved back and I stayed for a while and decided to look back and when I looked back our eyes met again.

Grey POV

I woke up to a feeling that something was on top of me, as I opened my eyes slowly I saw a familiar pair of black horns in front of me. Weird I didn't notice her or feel threatened by her sudden presence unlike how I reacted to Caera when her horns suddenly appeared. A smile crept on my face at the thought of her here with me,

I then realize what was actually happening as I saw and felt Seris on top of me sleeping so peaceful and graceful I lifted my hand and unconsciously caressed her face it was soft and warm, not wanting to wake her up I just closed my eyes again and slept, weird I didn't feel bothered or uncomfortable at all. It felt good what was this feeling?

I woke up to feel my face rubbing against something it was soft and when I opened my eyes one thought came out of me.

"Fuck Shit I'm so so so so so dead" 

I shifted my body back a little as I try to slowly open my eyes expecting a blade on my throat but nothing happened no noise no sound so when I turned and opened my eyes I was met by her eyes staring back at me it wasn't an angry glare she was just simply staring at me. A few second later we snapped out from our daze and moved back a little.

"So got drunk again?" I asked trying to ease the tension and get rid of the awkwardness

She shook her head "Last night I saw the door opened and when I came in you were here. I thought I was dreaming or hallucinating so I check to see if you were real and when I confirmed I was about to go back but you grabbed my hand and pulled me to you" She replied her face red as I could also feel my face getting red

"I'm sorry" I said

She just nodded and got up, it was awkward as we didn't speak and just walked towards the kitchen where I took a glass of water and sat down in one of the chairs. We sat in silence as we drank and she then stood up and took a chair and placed it in front of my seat.

"Now mind telling me why you barged in my house and slept as you own the place" She said with a soft voice and a smile but her intention were polar opposite 

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