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Avinash was sitting in his office staring at a file on the computer screen doing nothing. It's been a week to their "getting to know one another" and did they make any progress ? It was a big No. simply because life happened. They had messaged one another randomly but nothing in specific. He couldn't understand what was holding her. He understood she wanted things between them to be slow. Well he wasn't going to rush either cos it was life. But there was something that drew her in a shell. He wasn't going to do anything this time because he wanted her to step out of the zone and take the step.

Aadhya was not in the right mind frame either. She was constantly loosing herself thinking about him. Everything about him screamed "A perfect Gentleman" but something scared her too. She needed to know more about him. She did not want to share her doubts about him to the man in concern. But she needed that confident boost to go ahead with him. She wasn't going to ask Shraddha either. She had not talked to her after the party simply because she couldn't connect with her yet. Ten years was too long to act like everything is normal after a hug and details. She suddenly looked at her table and was shocked to see that she had doodled his name all over her prescription pad.

Her surprise and frustration were short lived. She soon had an emergency to deal with the and the doodled piece of paper was lying carefree on her table.

"I need an extra hand here Dr. Aadhya" said Dr. Mishra who was one of the surgeons in their hospital and now was dealing with a trauma patient.

"Let me scrub in Doctor" she said and walked out to sanitize herself. She grouped herself. There was no place for other thoughts and emotions. There was a guy in his late 30s on the table fighting for his life and that mattered more.

The surgery went better than they had anticipated and the victim was doing good. She saw the wife of the man slump against the chair tired outside the OT. Tears of relief ran down her eyes. Her hands were joined together in a prayer and she was continuously muttering something looking up. She passed by her and took the seat next to her with a cup of water in her hands

"He is a fighter. He is fine." Aadhya said and gave her the water.

She gulped it in one go and wiped her eyes.

"Thank you. You have no idea what you have done for me. That guy gave up everything for me. Just for love he did unimaginable things. Thank you so much" the lady cried holding on to Aadhya.

She smiled at her and walked to her cabin dazed. She sat on her chair and opened the books that needed her attention but her eyes fell on the piece of paper with his name doodled all over. She had no clue why that lady had that kind of a chat with her. She never experienced love. It would be creepy if she had to run back and ask the lady what love is or even ask her to share her story in detail.

But for the heck of it she compared with whatever information she had in her hands. Avinash wasn't giving up anything. Both of them were loaded and they had chose to respect their respective careers. He was ready to not go with the idea of date because she wanted. He had been pretty giving and she clearly noticed his behaviour around her. He had shed his ego around her and made her feel comfortable. He wasn't perusing her forcefully. He gave her the space. But why she needed to know what he really is. She also knew that if she needed answers for that, the next step had to be taken and a genuine one from her side. Well at least she will know what it is to be in love and if things don't go well, she will know all about heartbreak. She took a deep breath and unlocked her phone.

"Hi" and she was done. She did not want to send a dozen messages and wait for eternity. Whatever it is she will call upon his reply. She kept her phone aside and opened her book that was neglected for long. Not much time had passed when her phone pinged.

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