Mere khwabon mein jo aaye

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Purnima turned the blender on while overseeing other things from the kitchen. If anything she loved and was passionate about, it had to be cooking. She could cook a feast anytime and her stress buster was baking. It was one such busy morning in the kitchen and today her mother in law, Saroj Nanda was to arrive. Given her age, she was particular about traditions and rituals but at the same time she could easily connect with her grandsons. She couldn't wait to share the news about her favourite grandson. Akhil Nanda was pampered by her father in law and Avinash Nanda was brought up by Saroj at an age when the mother should have been primary caregiver or should have been there to give him the right kind of advise. Saroj also made sure that the guy was level headed irrespective of their status and certain incidents of the past thought them these hard lessons. They sure weren't going to forget all of that at least till they were alive.

The sound of the alarm disturbed Avinash Nanda's peaceful slumber and god his head felt heavy the moment he opened his eyes. He had not slept in 2 nights and courtesy, a certain lady dressed in blue evaded his sleep. She had captivated him like no other and he had spent most of his time thinking about her. He had scoffed it off the first night and called it a mere infatuation. That's how he convinced himself at least. He even concluded that these feelings that he harboured for her was only physical attraction and that would fade over time he knew. But he had to appreciate her for one thing and that being she wasn't throwing herself at anyone. She had maintained a good distance from those eyes who scavenge on women like they were some trophies and these parties gave them the perfect chance to hit on them and have their way around to satisfy their carnal desires. She had carried herself around with so much poise. He had a few girl friends and all those relationships were completely superficial. Not once he had used them to satisfy his carnal desires. It was more like those he hung around with wanted to associate themselves with him for all the attention he drew wherever he went. But she was different. She knew to respect people clearly. Perfect example, she was best friends with his sister in law. He wasn't demeaning her background but he did a thorough check before his brother tied the knot with Shraddha. She had slogged her ass off every single day. He knew what it was to be a spoilt brat and the difference was as clear as daylight and that clearly made the difference here as well. She was different.

The alarm snoozed again pausing the attraction he was fighting in his head. After drawing the curtains and allowing some light to enter his pitch dark room, he stepped in to the bathroom to freshen up. Today it was time for a strong coffee before anything.

"Morning Avinash" his mom chirped the minute he stepped foot in to the kitchen.

"Hmm" he hummed and made way towards the coffee machine.

"I have already made one for you" she told him after seeing him walk towards the coffee machine.

"I need like a triple shot today. God my head" he groaned and rubbed his temples.

"Who asked you to drink last night ? When you can't handle this headache" his mother asked and hugged him sideways. He leaned his head against her and took a deep breath aroma that was coming from whatever his mother was cooking.

"Last was at the party Ma. I haven't slept in 2 nights" he whined and that felt like her son was complaining like a small boy.

"Why?" She purposely dragged the conversation simply trying her luck.

"Aurat (women) " he mumbled under his breath.

"You said something ?" She asked feigning innocence for she heard what he muttered under his breath clearly.

"Sar phat raha hai ( head is breaking )" he stressed and fixed his coffee paying no heed to his mother.

She walked out the kitchen humming to the song "mere sapnon ki rani" and joined her husband who looked at her puzzled.

"Mere sapnon ki rani (the queen of my dreams)?" He asked.

"Teer nishane pe lag gaya (bulls eye in short)" she almost whispered and saw her son walk out with his coffee.

"All good Avinash ?" His father asked looking at his visibly irritated son.

"Headache Papa" he answered and took a generous sip of the steaming coffee. He closed his eyes enjoying the aroma of the coffee and waited for the caffeine to work wonders on his headache.

After grabbing an apple in his hands and transferring the contents of his extra strong coffee in his coffee flask he left home not wanting to stay a minute more at home after confirming the nonsense his parents were discussing very openly much to his dismay.

Elsewhere, She kept taking a step back till her back hit the cold wall. She winced feeling the chillness on her back. Her hands were trapped above her head and she saw him inching towards her with a smirk plastered on his face. He walked towards her like she was his priced possession. They were now just a few inches away. She could see the raw desire in his eyes. She bit her lips nervously and closed her eyes trying to control the feeling that was bubbling inside her. She felt like her heart would jump out of her rib cage. She tried to mover her hands to stop her heart from thudding that fast but her hands were caged. She shut her eyes tight feeling his minty breath fanning her face. He rubbed her lower lip with his thumb and rested his thumb on her cheeks and stroked her cheeks. She felt like her face was set on fire. She felt her throat go dry and started to sweat to profusely once she realised how close they stood. She tried looked in to his eyes carefully and saw her reflection. It was like a mirror. A mirror she was scared to see yet she wanted to keep looking at her in them all day. She felt herself shaking like a tremor hit her body and at the very instant her eyes flared open and she closed it at the same speed when her eyes were met with brightness. She slowly opened her eyes and adjusted herself to the sharp light only to find herself in her room and she was sweating profusely. The dream was so vivid. It was scary to replay whatever she saw in her dream but her heart felt unusually calm. Who could be the guy she wondered. Her brain flashed an image that her eyes craved for the whole evening at that party.

Her phone rang continuously dragging her out of her thoughts. Her jaws dropped looking at the number of missed calls. She quickly dialled the number and waited for the call to go through

"Rohan all fine ?" She asked worried.

"Get yourself here now. The neonatal doctor is away god knows to where and I need the paediatrician here now" she heard her brother's voice boom from the other side.

"In 15" she answered and jumped out of the bed like her ass was set on fire.

She had no time to think about the dream or about the man anymore. Her mind was stuck to the patient who needed her. She couldn't believe that she had ignored so many calls. Well she had to put all this behind and become the paediatrician because a life was at stake and she couldn't let a stupid dream bother her.

To be continued ~

I am slowly getting to them. Kindly bear with my pace and if there is anything off do let me know. Please be kind :) . Thank you very much !

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