Rey awoke with a panic, realizing what she had just seen was another vision. The Rodian boy, Kantu, was in trouble! At the hands of the greedy, callous Crolute she was all too familiar with. As she went to tell Finn what had transpired, she realized she had actually slept through the night before having the vision and the sun was beginning to rise on the warm, green jungle moon.
When she got to Finn's small hut, she knocked on the door, still a bit shaken up but with a sense of urgency to help Kantu.
Finn opened the door, "Morni-" Was all he got out.
"We have to get going to Jakku. Now!" Rey said. "I'll meet you on the Falcon in 10."

"What's the hurry?" Finn asked.
"I had another vision of Kantu. Unkar Plutt was torturing him with an electro-whip! We have to go help him before things get worse." Rey said.
"Kantu? You mean the Force sensitive Rodian?" Finn asked, slightly confused.
"Yes! In my last Force vision, I heard Unkar call the boy Kantu. I assume that is his name. But we have to get going!" Rey said with slight frustration. "Go get dressed and meet me at the Falcon! We can eat some rations on the way!" She said as she started running for the Corellian light freighter. "Get Threepio, too! We may need a translator!" She yelled back.


         On the Falcon, as the beautiful blue of hyperspace streaked by, Rey sat in the pilot seat, taking in the the view. Finn was starting to become a decent co-pilot these days, Rey thought as she got up to go to the main hold to try and relax while they traveled to her home world.
"You want to play some dejarik?" Finn asked as he got up to follow her.
"I think I'm going to try and relax a bit. Maybe meditate." Rey said without directly saying no to his suggestion. "You're welcome to join me if you'd like." She offered. "I'll just stay up here. Not that anyone asked" C-3PO said as they walked out of the cockpit.

"I have a better idea." Finn said with a smile. "If you don't want to lose dejarik,"Finn teased. "Why don't we use this time for lightsaber practice?"

          It wasn't at the top of the list of things Rey wanted to do at that moment but she couldn't deny that it would be a good use of their time. She also thought it might help take her mind off the future and help bring her back to the moment.
"Sure." Rey said, smiling back and resisting the urge to playfully disagree about losing a game of dejarik. "But after we leave Jakku, at some point, we have to start looking for a kyber crystal for you so you can build your own saber. Though, I'm not quite sure where to start looking." She said.
"We can worry about that after Jakku," Finn said. "For now, let me see that saber of yours." He said as he held out his hand.
Rey handed it over and went to get the training remote that she had used when training with Leia and turning it on, then handed the helmet to Finn.

"Remember, feel the Force flowing through you." Rey said to Finn, remembering what Leia and Luke had taught her. "Use your instincts. Your feelings."
Finn ignited the saber. The golden yellow blade hummed to life. Finn stood ready. The first bolt shot out and hit Finn in the leg. He jumped, "Ah!" He said jumping back.

"Focus." Rey said. "Let the Force guide you."

The second bolt shot out of the remote and he blocked it. And the third. The fourth one made contact on this left arm and he jolted to the side. "Dank Farrik!" Finn said, obviously frustrated.

Rey paused the training remote and said, "It's okay Finn. You're making progress!"

"I don't feel like it's fast enough," Finn said, sounding discouraged.
Rey smiled and said reassuringly, "Finn, remember, I may not have trained with Luke for too long, though, I did learn a lot from him, I trained with Leia for a little over a year. One of the main lessons she taught me was one Luke learned from his master, Yoda. 'Do not try. Do.' Plus, Leia told me that some people are naturally more gifted at certain aspects of the Force. Maybe this isn't your strongest attribute." Rey walked over and put her hand on his shoulder, "Time will tell. Just have some patience. There is no rush."

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