Chapter one

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It was a sunny, humid day on Ajan Kloss, where Rey Skywalker, Finn, Poe Dameron, Rose Tico, Chewbacca, C-3PO, BB-8, R2-D2 and a few others from the Resistance were currently residing. Rey was meditating with Finn in the jungle, when she had a vision of a green skinned Rodian boy dressed in dusty, ragged clothing lifting a vapor manifold with the Force. Rey had seen the location in her vision before.
"I know where we need to go." Rey said to Finn as she got up from meditating. Finn, sitting cross legged in the clearing they were in, opened his eyes,
"We're going somewhere?" Finn asked.
"Jakku," Rey said, "I had a vision. I believe there is a Force sensitive Rodian boy there. He could join us if he would like. I could train him along with you."
"Jakku?!" Finn said with dissatisfaction. "I could have gone the rest of my life without returning to that dust bowl."
"Hey! Show some respect!" Rey said jokingly.
"You have to admit, it's not the most hospitable place in the Inner rim ... or the galaxy for that matter." Finn teased.
"I can't argue with that." Rey said, drifting away in her memories for just a moment before she continued, "We should go let everyone know that we will be heading out soon."
"And grab something to eat!" Finn said with a smile as they both walked back to the settlement."

        After letting everyone know Finn and herself would be heading out and deciding it would be best to leave at dawn the next day, they all gathered together to eat dinner. Rey looked around the table. At Rose joking with Finn about eating more than Chewbacca. Chewbacca laughing at that remark. Poe talking with Zorii Bliss, who was visiting for an unknown amount of time with Babu Frik, who was sitting on top the table near Zorii enjoying some type of orange, spiky fruit Rey didn't recognize. Rey was filled with gratitude. Her friends, her family, everyone alive that she loved was here with her. She smiled as a tear ran down her face. This was a happy moment that she would always remember.
After she finished eating and enjoying the company and conversation, Rey got up and said, "I think I'm going to get some rest for the trip tomorrow."

"You don't want to have a drink with us?" Zorii asked. "It's Corellian brandy!" She said with a smile.

"Maybe another time." Rey said, smiling back. Though, she had never drank before and didn't really see the appeal.

"Sleep well, then." Zorii said.
"See you in the morning." said Finn.
Chewy growled a goodnight.
Poe nodded to Rey with a smile and in unison with Rose said, "Night."
Rey smiled to everyone and headed to the captain's quarters in the Millennium Falcon, where she had recently been living. As she was laying in her bunk, Rey couldn't help but think about Ben. How he had come back to the light and fought by her side. How he gave his life so she could live. How she could feel his absence in the Force more than Luke or Leia. He was her Dyad. Through their connection in the Force, they were one. She was attuned to Ben's emotions and even what he heard and saw. And now all of that was gone along with him. It was like a part of her was gone.
         Then she thought of that kiss. It was such an exhilarating moment. Rey couldn't help but smile thinking about it. She couldn't deny that she had come to have feelings for Ben. She always saw the light in him and the more of it she saw, the more her feelings grew, even if she didn't want to admit it at times. But she did admit it eventually. Even to him. She would never forget Ben, and she wasn't sure if anyone could ever take his place, either. But that didn't bother her. She was grateful that she had the time with him she did. Even if it was too short ... way too short. Maybe he will visit sometime. She thought, as she started to drift off to sleep.

         The next thing she knew, she was back on Jakku. The green skinned Rodian boy was there, cowering against the exterior wall of what appeared to be the Concession Stand. Then she saw Unkar Plutt with an electro-whip, the kind that was most often seen being used by Zygerrian slavers. Unkar was whipping it toward the Rodian, just barely missing him every time.
"You need to learn a lesson, Kantu!" Unkar yelled in anger. "No one steals from me!"
Then the whip connected with Kantu's leg and the boy screamed.

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