Rules of the balance game

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❦Miya finally got her lost memory picture with her nephew and niece  Gyehyeon and Ryubii in the floor❦

Miya: Oh my god finally I got my lost memory picture *cries* I miss you so much Gyehyeon and Ryubii I hope you recognize me I'm your aunt

❦The fairy godmothers and the Black King's lost brothers saw Miya crying inside the glass tower❦

Eric: Hey fairy Carline who is that woman? Why is she crying?

Kangmin: maybe she has lost her loved ones

I.N: she needs help by the way

Kangmin: How can we help her?

Carline: she is the King Black Major's aunt

Kangmin: really?

Carline: yes

Kangmin: Do you have a story of our missing brother?

Carline: yes

Hoyoung: What is it? Tell us fairy Carline

Carline: Since 4 of you were born , 3 of your brothers were missing, and then the saddest revelation is you and your 3 brothers got separated and brought in the campaign by the shadow men

❦Eric starts to complain❦

Eric: What?! My 3 brothers and us were separated and we were brought in the campaign since we were born?! I can't believe this! Is that true?!

Carline: Yes this is true

Eric: *gets mad* Wait?! How?! How did this happened?!

Hoyoung: Eric this might be the truth of our parent's death and she was revealing this real story time of our brother's separation since we were babies

Eric: Brother Hoyoung Really?! How did you know that our parents died?!

Carline: Yes Eric your parents were died

Eric: Maybe my parents got sick

Kangmin: *cries* maybe murdered

Eric: *cries* Kangmin?! Murdered?! What are you talking about?!

Hoyoung: Kangmin that's impossible

Carline: Yes Kangmin this is a scary truth of your parents death

Kangmin: *cries* What?! Murdered?! How?!

I.N: really?! *cries*

❦I.N talks to Miya and calls Miya his auntie❦

Hoyoung: I.N where are you going?

I.N: *to Miya* Are you ok auntie?

Miya: I.N?! Is that you?

I.N: How do you know who I am?

Miya: *cries* You've been grown up so much I love how you call me auntie I've ever seen you since my sister gave birth to you

I.N: Really? Who is your sister?

Miya: She is your mother and she is Taeyeon and you dad's name is Taeyeob

I.N: *cries* I don't know what my parent's look like but I'm kinda sad for them because they were dead

Miya: *cries* yes your parents died I.N

❦Miya shows the picture of her sister and her sister's husband together with I.N's 6 brothers❦

I.N: *cries* I miss my family I can't live without them

❦Eric, Hoyoung, and Kangmin runs into Miya❦

Kangmin: *cries* me too I can't live without my family too!

Hoyoung: *cries* I can't believe this happened to our family

Eric: *cries* unbelievable truth!

❦King Black Major's lost brothers broke down in tears after knowing the scary truth about their parents' death❦

❦I.N takes Miya's memory pictures and shows it to his brothers❦

Hoyoung: *cries* Is this our parents?

I.N: *cries* yes

Eric: *cries* no way we lost them

Kangmin: *cries* We have no idea anymore we will never see our family anymore

❦Part 40❦

❦Gyehyeon calls his soldiers then asks them to escort all of his allies inside of his castle❦

Gyehyeon: My soldiers come here

❦The minotaurs went inside the black castle then kneels down❦

Old minotaur: What do you command your majesty?

Gyehyeon: I want you to escort my allies in here did you get it?

Old Minotaur: yes your majesty we will bring them in here

❦The minotaurs escort everyone❦

Wonhyuk: where are we going??

Rocky: I don't know

Felix: time for the training I guess

Lani: Where are we going?

Bubble Pop: Guess we have a training

Lani: Training??

Ran: Maybe

Minotaur: yes all of you have training today

Felix: I knew it

Rocky: Wow it would be an easy to difficult level

Ryujin: kinda sharp ya

Chaeryeong: I don't think we can handle the training

Me: sis Ryeong this might be a balance game

Chaeryeong: How did you know such a thing Ryeona?

Old minotaur: it was a balance game our highness

❦Everyone arrived inside the black castle❦

Chaeryeong: *To Gyehyeon* your majesty is that true that we have a balance game?

Gyehyeon: yes it was the balance game

Rocky: ahh balance game this can test our skills

Gyehyeon: yes this game can improve our skills very well

Wonhyuk: Your majesty how?

Gyehyeon: Because this can help you to be strong and because I want all of you to become trained

If not ,what happens if you don't use your skills without this training?

Or even your strengths and if your don't want to get trained, you will never know how to use your own abilities even your powers also your enemies will stand you and let all of you down

Are we clear?

All: Yes your majesty!

Gyehyeon: good and now we have a rules for the balance game

Me: What kind of rules your majesty?

Gyehyeon: The most important rule of this balance game is try to connect the blocks without falling if it fell down, the blocks will be disappeared understand?

All: yes your majesty!

Gyehyeon: great let's do it outside

❦What will happen into this game, fail or success?❦


The Fallen King and The White PrincessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon