Also, Lin Xi wanted to prove his ability.

    Not only the ability to predict, but also the ability to solve things and control the danger in the palm of your hand.

    As a mermaid, he has always been under the control of others, the owner of the fish shop, and now Qin Xiao, his owner.

    Lin Xi also wanted to control the fate of others, which was one of his personal preferences.

.There will always be solutions to problems, not to mention a man like Lin Xi who has lived two lives.

    He thinks about problems, never only from one or two perspectives, but from multiple perspectives.

    So soon, Lin Xi thought of a solution.

    If this method is known to others, they may directly accuse him.

    But in Lin Xi's opinion, it couldn't be more appropriate.

    Authentic villainy.

    Being the villain of a world, that kind of thinking that is different from ordinary people is rooted in Lin Xi's heart.

    He always pays attention to the results, and the process is second.

    Achieving the desired result.

    Lin Xi would not expose himself, let alone take action himself.

    He found some tool people on the Internet.

.No matter which era, which world, in the book or in reality, there are such a group of people, even if the world is level, there will still be extreme people who feel that the development around them is not as good as he intended.

    Lin Xi found so many people on the Internet.

    At the beginning, Lin Xi joined a group. There were a group of radicals in the group. Some people were talking about being tired of everything around them and always wanting to destroy and destroy.

    Lin Xi first waited and watched silently, and then privately chatted with one of them, expressing his point of view. He set up a character for himself who was oppressed and treated unfairly, saying that his employer was in arrears with wages, and he always yelled at him, no matter what. Whether he is doing well or not, he can always find various reasons to point him at him and deduct his salary. He just wants to blow up the boss's house. In this way, his boss dares to talk to him. Arrogant.

.People are a very interesting group. When the situation is the same, complaining and complaining about each other can bring feelings closer than any other way.

    Therefore, even if you don't know Lin Xi's identity at all, seeing Lin Xi's true feelings, the netizens who chatted privately immediately believed what Lin Xi said.

    He also immediately complained to Lin Xi about his family. His parents were vampires. He only knew that he was asked to give money every day. It was difficult for him to support himself in his job.

    "How about we blow them up?" Lin Xi suddenly typed a string of words.

    There was stunned for a while, and replied: "How to bomb? Killing people, breaking the law."

    "Of course it's not really bombing people, I mean blowing up their houses and quietly putting some explosives, bang!" Lin Xi's face showed a wicked smile.

."Okay, I like this method, it's exciting." Netizens were instantly aroused.

    "But I just don't know if I can get the explosives?"

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